Author page: Vladimir Morozov

Value Foundations of the Methodology for Compatibility of Society Paradigms

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.102-109

The purpose of the study is to form the value foundations of the methodology for compatibility of the society paradigms and society subsystems. Mutually complementary types of value theories and dual understanding of values are analyzed. The article explores the common values of the society paradigms, including sustainable development, social justice; inclusiveness, equality and human rights protection. Necessary composition of aspects of the value foundations for methodology of compatibility of society paradigms is formed and a structural scheme of paradigms compatibility of society spheres is compiled.


1. Morozov V.A. Metodologiya sovmestimosti paradigm obshchestva: filosofsko-psikhologicheskie i sistemotekhnicheskie osnovaniya [Methodology of compatibility for society paradigms: philosophical-psychological and system-technical foundations]. Menedzhment i biznes-administrirovanie. Moscow, ID “Ekonomicheskaya gazeta”, 2024, no 2, pp. 209–217.

2. D’yui Dzh. Obshchestvo i ego problem [Society and its problems]. Per. s angl. I.I. Myurberg, A.B. Tolstova, E.N. Kosilovoy. Moscow, Ideya-Press, 2002, 160 p.

3. Sheler M. Resentiment v strukture moraley [Resentment in the morals structure]. Per. s nem. A.N. Malinkina. Saint Petersburg, Nauka, 1999, 282 p.

4. Vindel’band V. Istoriya filosofii [History of philosophy]. Per. s nem. A.I. Vvedenskogo. Moscow, KANON-press, 1998, 548 p.

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6. Salas S.D. Moral’ XXI veka [Morality of the 21st century]. Moscow, Kodeks, 2013, 483 p.

7. Riker P. Konflikt interpretatsiy: ocherki o germenevtike [Conflict of Interpretations: Essays on Hermeneutics]. Moscow, Akademicheskiy proekt, 2008, 695 p.

8. Lebedeva N.M., Tatarko A.N. Tsennosti kul’tury i razvitie obshchestva [Cultural values and development of societ y]. Moscow, ID GVShE, 2007, 528 p.

9. Anopchenko T.Yu., Savon D.Yu. Ustoychivoe razvitie: opyt, problemy, perspektivy [Sustainable development: experience, challenges, prospects]. Moscow, Institut ustoychivogo razvitiya Obshchestvennoy palaty Rossiyskoy Federatsii, Tsentr ekologicheskoy politiki Rossii, 2011, p. 120.

10. Morozov V.A. Dukhovnaya ekonomika i sovmestimost’ obshchestva. Teoriya sovmestimosti [Spiritual economy and compatibility of society. Compatibility theory]. Moscow, Dashkov i K°, 2021, 576 p.

Methodology for Compatibility of the State and Development of Society Paradigms

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.108-115

The purpose of the study is to develop the bases of a methodology for compatibility of paradigms of society and its subsystems based on the compatibility of human needs and social values. The growing paradigmatic field of society is examined. The author studies expanded composition of the society subsystems based on the spheres of its life activity. He also defines and presents the compatibility of the society subsystems and the subsystems of an organization as a “unit” of society. A list of the main paradigms in the hierarchy of society subsystems is compiled. The role and significance of the methodology fundamentals for compatibility of the society paradigms are substantiated.


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5. Bondarenko O.Ya. Sbornik dokladov po teorii i filosofii edinogo polya (Podgot. na osnove serii knig “Filosofiya Edinstva”) [Collection of Reports on the Theory and Philosophy of the Unified Field. (Podgot. based on the Book Series “Philosophy of Unit y”)]. Bishkek, 2000.

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8. Berezina T.N. Rezervnye vozmozhnosti cheloveka [Human Reserve Capabilitie]. Moscow, Kogito-Tsentr, 2000.

9. Morozov V.A. Sovmestimost’ sotsial’no-ekonomicheskikh sistem. Osnovy teorii sovmestimosti [Compatibility of Socio-economic Systems. Fundamentals of the Theory of Compatibility]. Moscow, Ekonomika, 2013.

10. Panov P.V. Instituty, identichnosti, praktiki: teoreticheskaya model’ politicheskogo poryadka [Institutions, Identities, Practices: a Theoretical Model of the Political Order]. Moscow, Rossiyskaya politicheskaya entsiklopediya (ROSSPEN), 2011, 230 p.

11. Kleyner G.B. Strategiya predpriyatiya [Enterprise Strategy]. Moscow, Delo, 2008.

12. Morozov V.A. Obshchestvo i ekonomika vzaimodeystviya [Society and Economics of Interaction]. Monografiya. Vol. 2. Moscow, Kreativnaya ekonomika, 2017.

13. Morozov V.A. Dukhovnaya ekonomika i sovmestimost’ obshchestva. Teoriya sovmestimosti [Spiritual Economy and Compatibility of Society. Compatibility Theory]. Moscow, Izdatel’sko-torgovaya korporatsiya “Dashkov i K°”, 2021, DOI: 10.29030/978-5-394-04571-4-2021-5-577.

14. Chalmers D. The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory. N.Y., Oxford Universit y Press, 1996.

Combination of Financial Research Methodologies


The article analyzes mathematical modeling as a methodology for the study of finance, which today is quite limited and outdated. The directions of the introduction of additional methodology in the field of finance — behavioral science are studied. The behavioral methodology is revealed for: predicting the reaction of investors; considering the general question of how financial markets help the country in allocating resources and ensuring long-term economic stability; contributing to improving the process of making financial and investment decisions. The usefulness of introducing behavioral models into financial science is substantiated, which in combination with mathematical modeling will allow for significant updates in this area.



1. Bukhvalov A.V., Okulov V.L. Klassicheskie modeli tsenoobrazovaniya na kapital’nye aktivy i rossiiskii fondovyi rynok. Chast’ 1. Empiricheskaya proverka modeli CAPM [Classic Pricing Models for Capital Assets and the Russian Stock Market. P. 1. Empirical Verification of the CAPM Model]. Nauchnye doklady, 2006, no 36 (R). Saint Petersburg, NII menedzhmenta SPbGU.

2. Semenkova E.V. Operatsii s tsennymi bumagami [Operations with Securities]. Moscow, Poisk, 2005, p. 374.

3. Zaleznik A., Christensen S.R., Roethlisberger F.J. Motivation, Productivity and employee Satisfaction. Boston, Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration, 1958.

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5. Simon H.A. Rationality as Process and as Product of Thought. Richard T. Ely Lecture. American Economic Review, May, 1978, vol. 68, N 2, pp. 1–16. American Economic Association, 1978.

6. Herzberg F. Work and Human Nature. New York, World Publishing Co., 1966.

7. Maslow A. Motivation and Personality. New York, Harper & Bros, 1954; 1987.

8. Fourier J.B.J. The Analytical Theory of Heat, quoted in Herbert A. Simon’s book “Human Models”. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1957.

9. Filer R., Maytal Sh., Simon J. “Risk Taking and Risk Aversion: A Stock Market Simulation Game”, unpublished paper read at the Eastern Financial Association Spring Meeting. April 21, 1979. Washington, DC.

10. Ash S.E. Opinions and Social Pressure: Readings in Management Psychology. Ed. Harold J. Leavitt and Louis R. Pondy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1964, pp. 304–314.

11. Friedman M., Savage L.J. An Analysis of the Utility of Risk-taking Choices. Journal of Political Economy, August, 1948, pp. 279–304.

Spirituality of Society and Spiritual Economy


The article examines the history of the formation of spirituality in the East and West and examines modern problems of spirituality in society. The compatibility of the values of the West and the East is studied and the composition of the key laws and principles of the main religions of the world in the life of society is integrated. The combination of secular and religious spirituality is studied. The basics and provisions of labor ethics in the countries of the East and West are considered, and the attitude of the main religions to labor, wealth, property, and the economy is compiled. The definition of spiritual economy is proposed, and evaluation criteria are given, as well as an introductory composition of its characteristics is formed

Theories of Society and Risks of Its Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.124-133

The article deals with various types of characteristics of society and its sphere of activity. Various types and groups of theories of society development are studied. It is revealed — what values are laid by scientific schools in the life of society. Global problems and contradictions, which are a brake and at the same time a stimulus for its development, are defined. The planetary scheme of interrelations and mutual influence of global risks for society is developed. The gradation of modern problems of society from risks with the indication of the main problems of social and economic character is carried out. The separate directions of development of society and tools which reduce emergence and development of risks for it are considered

Modelling Cyclical Development of Society

#2. Breakthrough Betting
Modelling Cyclical Development of Society

The article discusses various types of systems development cycles and their mechanisms. The paper presents development of socio-economic systems, describes periods of their dynamics, as well as sources of their formation and cycle stimulators in the form of innovations, values, needs with the dynamics of cycles speeding up. The combination of socio-economic and socio-cultural cycles in the spiritual life of society is described. A planetary model of society development is proposed. A variant of spiral-cyclical development of society in phases is formed.

Change of Social Formations and Civilizations Compatibility

#5. Longstanding Generation
Change of Social Formations and Civilizations Compatibility

The article presents various types and structures of social formations. Сivilizational and formational approaches are considered, their comparative analysis is given. The author presents classification structure of civilizations and the place of human values with elements of civilization. He also deals with issues of interrelations, mutual influence and interaction of civilizations with regard to present-day problems of society and communities. The levels and forms of civilizations interaction are compared taking into account the processes of globalization, glocalization and humanization. The function of compatibility and interaction of factors of civilizations general development is formulated.

Image Socio-Economic and Socio-Cultural State Guidelines

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
Image Socio-Economic and Socio-Cultural State Guidelines

The author outlines that the information field, being expanded on the basis of modern high technologies, was imbued with the symbolic capital of the Russian culture, uniting multifaceted and multifunctional efforts of the participants.

The Structure of Society, Interaction of Its Subsystems and Elements

#6. The Charm of Unattainable Peaks
The Structure of Society, Interaction of Its Subsystems and Elements

The article presents the structural subsystems of society, which are the mechanisms of its support (stabilization or preservation) with emphasis on social relations. The autor analizes the views and opinions of scientists regarding the social organism filling with the basic system elements. Types of social structures are presented, including socioethnic, socio-demographic, socio-spatial, stratification one and others. The definition of social interaction is given with nuances: socio-economic, socio-political and socio-cultural interactions. Interactions and mutual influences of the sources and stimulators of society renewal are defined. The variant of functional conformity of the compatible environment of renewing and subsystems of the society organizations is offered. The assumption on expansion of the society subsystems to seven spheres on the basis of a cyclic model of its development is set forth.