Author page: Vladimir Golubev

On the Way to the Harmosphere

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.108-113

The article dwells on the concept of harmosphere — the sphere of harmony of mind and feeling, man and nature, natural and human sciences. The noosphere arose with the beginning of the “industrial revolution”, when the progress of mankind as a whole came to be determined by reason. According to V.I. Vernadsky, man becomes “the largest geological force.” Modernity corresponds to the end of the noospheric stage of development and the beginning of the harmosphere formation. The “end” of the noosphere correlates with the emergence and legalization of nuclear missile weapons capable of destroying civilization.


1. Golubev V.S. Osnovy garmonologii [Basics of Harmonology]. Moscow, Lenand, 2018.

2. Golubev V.S. Priroda — chelovek — obshchestvo: razvitie i garmoniya [Nature — Man — Society: Development and Harmony]. Moscow, Lenand, 2016.

3. Golubev V.S. Garmoniya spaset mir [Harmony will Save the World]. Moscow, Lenand, 2017.

4. Golubev V.S. Ocherki ekosotsiogumanizma [Essays on Ecosociohumanism]. Moscow, Lenand, 2021.

5. Panov A.D. Singulyarnaya tochka istorii [Singular Point of History] Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost’, 2015, no 1.

The XXI Century Science: New Priorities

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.58-61

The issue of priorities in science is discussed in comparison with L.N. Tolstoy’s formulation of this problem. Problems posed by L.N. Tolstoy, are addressed by the sciences of natural-humanitarian synthesis, which study the “nature — man — society” system. The main function of new sciences is to explore the issue of a man, conditions for selfpreservation and development of mankind as a whole. The change of priorities in the science of the 21st century is inevitable: from natural sciences to the sciences of natural-humanitarian synthesis.


1. Golubev V.S. Priroda — chelovek — obshchestvo: razvitie i garmoniya [Nature — Man — Society: Development and Harmony]. Moscow, Lenand, 2016.

2. Golubev V.S. Garmoniya spaset mir [Harmony will Save the World]. Moscow, Lenand, 2017.

3. Golubev V.S. V poiskakh garmonii [In Search of Harmony]. Moscow, Lenand, 2022.

4. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S. Osnovy ergodinamiki [Fundamentals of Ergodynamics]. Moscow, Energiya, 2003; 2-e izd., Moscow, Lenand, 2012.

5. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Orlov I.B. Vvedenie v sistemnuyu teoriyu kapitala [Introduction to the System Theory of Capital]. Moscow, Lenand, 2013.

6. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Tarko A.M. Strukturnaya energiya kak potentsial razvitiya. Mir i Rossiya [Structural Energy as a Development Potential. World and Russia]. Moscow, Lenand, 2014.

7. Golubev V.S. Vvedenie v sinteticheskuyu evolyutsionnuyu ekologiyu [Introduction to Synthetic Evolutionary Ecology]. Moscow, Papirus Pro, 2001.

8. Golubev V.S., Kurakov A.L., Timiryasova A.V. Chelovekovedenie [Human Studies]. Ucheb.-metodich. posobie. M.: IAEP; Kazan’: Poznanie, 2014.

9. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S. Estestvenno-nauchnye osnovy sotsial’nogo gumanizma [Natural-scientific Foundations of Social Humanism]. Moscow, Lenand, 2018.

10. Golubev V.S. Ocherki sotsial’nogo gumanizma. 3. O glavnom prioritete nauki: L.N. Tolstoi i sovremennost’ [Essays on Social Humanism. 3. On the Main Priority of Science: L.N. Tolstoy and Modernity]. Akademiya Trinitarizma, no 77-6567; publ. 25828, 2019, 26 oktyabrya, available at: http://www.trinitas.


11. Golubev V.S. Osnovy ekosotsiogumanizma [Fundamentals of Ecosociohumanism]. Moscow, INFRA-M, 2022.

Scientific Basis of Economic Strategies

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.183.2022.38-53

The scientific basis of energy strategies is represented by the sciences of natural-humanitarian synthesis that study the “nature-man-society” system: ergodynamics, system theory of capital, the science of harmony, synthetic evolutionary ecology. Method of their construction is a deductive one: from the laws of socio-natural development to the society and an individual. National wealth, or country (national) capital, is the main indicator of the state of societies. It is considered as the structural energy (energy potential) of societies in value terms. Country capital is calculated as the sum of physical, human, social and natural capital. Natural capital includes reproducible (ecocapital) and non-reproducible (paleocapital) components. Index of the life quality of societies (changes from 0 to 1) is the arithmetic mean of the ratio of the private capital production of each society to the maximum values of the production of these capitals among all the societies under consideration. The purpose of economic strategies is to ensure the systemic progress of societies. It is implemented with the growth over time of the specific (per person) country capital and, accordingly, the quality of life index. Maximum progress takes place with harmonious resolution of the opposites existing in societies. The article proposes a method for calculating country capital, its components and the life quality index.


1. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S. Osnovy ergodinamiki [Ergodynamics Fundamentals]. Moscow, Energiya, 2002; izd. 2-e, Moscow, Lenand, 2012.

2. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S. Ergodinamika — ekorazvitie — sotsiogumanizm [Ergodynamics — Eco-development — Socio-humanism]. Moscow, Lenand, 2010.

3. Golubev V.S. Priroda — chelovek — obshchestvo: Razvitie i garmoniya [Nature — Man — Society: Development and Harmony]. Moscow Lenand, 2016.

4. Golubev V.S. Garmoniya spaset mir [Harmony will Save the World]. Moscow, Lenand, 2017.

5. Golubev V.S. Vvedenie v sinteticheskuyu evolyutsionnuyu ekologiyu [Introduction to Synthetic Evolutionary Ecology]. Moscow, Papirus Pro, 2001.

6. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Orlov I.B. Vvedenie v sistemnuyu teoriyu kapitala [Introduction to Systemic Theory of Capital]. Moscow, Lenand, 2013.

7. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Tarko A.M. Strukturnaya energiya kak potentsial razvitiya: Mir i Rossiya [Structural Energy as a Development Potential: World and Russia]. Moscow, Lenand, 2014.

8. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Kurakov L.P. Problemy formirovaniya sotsiogumanitarnoi tsivilizatsii [Problems of Shaping Socio-humanitarian Civilization]. Moscow, IAEP, 2016.

9. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S. Estestvenno-nauchnye osnovy sotsial’nogo gumanizma [Natural-scientific Foundations of Social Humanism]. Moscow, Lenand, 2018.

10. Golubev V.S. Ocherki ekosotsiogumanizma [Essays on Ecosociohumanism]. Moscow, Lenand, 2021.

11. Korbalan F. Zolotoe sechenie. Matematicheskii yazyk krasoty [Golden Section. Mathematical Language of Beauty]. Moscow, De Agostini, 2014.

Scientific Foundations of a New World Order Based on Compromise and Harmony

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.86-93

The article proposes a new paradigm of the world order based on the principles of compromise and harmony. In place of liberalism, the world of prehistory, there is a true history — the system of sociohumanism. The dyadic paradigm of the “struggle” of opposites is removed by the triadic paradigm of their harmonic synthesis. A generalized set of innovations is given in opposition to the existing system of life arrangement.

Integral Development and Economy with Restraints on Super Profits — Evolutionary Perspective of Russia

#5. Longstanding Generation
Integral Development and Economy with Restraints on Super Profits — Evolutionary Perspective of Russia

Necessity of Russia’s transition to integral development is conditioned by many factors, including such as raw material economy, excessive social stratification, dehumanization of man, confrontation with the West. In such transition, the role of the state in all spheres of society’s life grows radically. The article presents a model of the economy functioning with restraints on super profits providing sustainable development.