Author page: Vitaly Bushuev

Energy-Informational Cosmism of Russia


Earth and space are fractal partners of the world system, whose structural, functional properties and characteristics are similar. They are equally subject to general laws of vital functions and cyclic development, mutual transformation of substance, energy and information, in the process of interaction and evolution generating common space-time categories, common material, biophysical and noospheric formations.



1. Fursa E.Ya. Mirozdanie — mir voln, rezonansov i… nichego bolee [Universe is a World of Waves, Resonances and … Nothing More]. Minsk, UniversalPress, 2007, 480 p.

2. Tsiolkovskii K.E. Put’ k luchistomu Chelovechestvu [Path to Radiant Humanity]. Khimiya i zhizn’, 1977, no 1.

3. Chizhevskii A.L. Zemlya i Kosmos. Zemnoe echo kosmicheskikh bur’ [Earth and Space. Terrestrial Echo of Space Storms]. Moscow, Akademicheskii proekt, 2015, 272 p.

4. Bushuev V.V., Kopylov I.P. Energokosmizm Rossii [Energy Cosmism of Russia]. Moscow, Energiya, 2003, 140 p.

5. Bushuev V.V. Energiya i sud’ba Rossii [Energy and the Fate of Russia]. Moscow, Energiya, 2014, 292 p.

6. Bushuev V.V., Klepach A.N., Pervukhin V.V. Tsikly rossiiskoi (vostochno-evraziiskoi) tsivilizatsii [Cycles of Russian (East Eurasian) Civilization]. Moscow, Energiya, 2020, 102 p.

7. Tulupov A.V. Rod Severa. Russkie giperboreitsy [Genus of the North. Russian Hyperboreans]. Moscow, Algoritm, 2013, 528 p.

8. Dobrocheev O.V. Mekhanika ochen’ bol’shikh sistem prirody, zhizni i razuma [Mechanics of Very Large Systems of Nature, Life and Mind]. Moscow, TEIS, 2019.

9. Ivanov Yu.N. Ritmodinamika [Rhythmodynamics]. Moscow, Energiya, 2007, 221 p.

10. Bushuev V.V. Osnovy energologii [Energology Fundamentals]. Moscow, Energiya, 2020.

11. Kaznacheev V.P. Mysli o budushchem. Intellekt, golograficheskaya Vselennaya Kozyreva [Thoughts about the Future. Intelligence, Kozyrev’s Holographic Universe]. Novosibirsk, Sibirskoe nauchnoe izdatel’stvo, 2008, 192 p.

12. Chizhevskii A.L. Kosmicheskii pul’s zhizni [Cosmic Pulse of Life]. Moscow, Mysl’, 1995, 766 p.

13. Klepach A.N., Dobrocheev O.V. Ansambl’ ekonomicheskikh voln ili turbulentnaya gipoteza ekonomiki [Ensemble of Economic Waves or Turbulent Hypothesis of the Economy]. Filosofiya khozyaistva, 2015, no 6, pp. 180–191.

14. Balakshin O.B. Garmoniya samorazvitiya v prirode i obshchestve: podobie i analogii [Harmony of Self-development in Nature and Society: Similarities and Analogies]. Moscow, URSS; Izd-vo LKI, 2008, 341 p.

Introduction to the New Global Studies (Eco-Studies)

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.84-91

The world is an integral (holistic) “system of systems” (SoS), a set of self-sufficient, but interconnected (energy-materially, information-genetically and mental-conceptually), structural-functional formations (SFF), which are in a permanent state of stable development.

Separate subsystems of the world system are the space and terrestrial oecumene, geotories (closed socio-natural systems) and civilizations, biosphere and technosphere, the world of reason (noosphere) and the cognitive world of a man. Metasystem as a whole (SoS) — is fractal (with SFF similar in space and time) dynamic system, in which “what’s above, the same is below”, “what happened is what will happen.” Global studies is a complex of scientific knowledge, established generally accepted information and individual speculative assumptions, views and intuitive sensations about the world system as a whole and its individual parts, laws of their dynamic functioning and development, as well as a targeted vision system (foresight) of the present, the past and the future of SoS on the whole.

Fractality of the world system allows us to use, for its general management, conseptions inherent in one of its constituent parts (“want to know the Universe — cognize a human himself”, and vice versa). Cosmology, natural history, social science and   human studies are determined by the same structural and functional concepts, in particular, the cyclical nature of both separate SFF and SoS as a whole. Therefore, the present article examines basic principles of a new metasystem-based world studies on the example of eco-studies (ecological, economic and energy conceptions on development of the planetary house-ecos in which we live: from the Greek oikos – house, place of residence, oikumen). At the same time, based on ideas about cyclical nature of the development of terrestrial oecumene and Eurasian civilization, an attempt is made to present the structure of a new project “Targeted vision of the new world” for the second half of the 21st century and for the coming 36-year period, “Christmas Eve” is the culmination of the 144-year “imperial” cycle

Digitalization of Economy and Energy Sector: Prospects and Problems

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.96-105

The article discusses the main prospects and problems of developing digitalization concept not only of Industry 4.0 (fourth generation), but also of all units of the new civilization based on energy-informational conception of ecos — our planetary home, including the economy (economic activity system), ecology (system of harmonization of human relations with the environment) and energy sector as a system of life support and vital activity itself in this house