Author page: Viktor Los’

Global Reset of Russia’s Sociocultural Trend: from “Classical” to “New” Eurasianism. Part II

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.96-107

The article identifies dynamics of the Eurasian concept, which is considered as the basic strategy for the positive development of Russia’s foreseeable future. The author shows that over the last century the national Eurasian model has been transformed in the process of actual socio-economic and political-ideological attitudes. Within classical eurasianism Russia is viewed as a special geographical and socio-cultural civilization that combines Western (Western European) and Eastern (Asian) stereotypes.

It is proved that in the process of the USSR development and formation of the “new” Russia, the theory of eurasianism with a Western European trend was being implemented. Since the second decade of the 21st century, in order to overcome the consequences of anti-Russian sanctions, the Russian Federation has been stimulating a national strategy of Eurasianism with an Eastern (Asian) orientation. However, by the middle of the 21st century in implementing the conceptual model of Eurasianism Russia will return, as suggested in the article, to a classical strategy based on a balance of Westernization and Orientalist ideas.


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Global Reset of Russia’s Sociocultural Trend: from “Classical” to “New” Eurasianism

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.86-89

The article identifies dynamics of the Eurasian concept, which is considered as the basic strategy for the positive development of Russia’s foreseeable future. The author shows that over the last century the national Eurasian model has been transformed in the process of actual socio-economic and political-ideological attitudes. Within classical eurasianism Russia is viewed as a special geographical and socio-cultural civilization that combines Western (Western European) and Eastern (Asian) stereotypes.

It is proved that in the process of the USSR development and formation of the “new” Russia, the theory of eurasianism with a Western European trend was being implemented. Since the second decade of the 21st century, in order to overcome the consequences of anti-Russian sanctions, the Russian Federation has been stimulating a national strategy of Eurasianism with an Eastern (Asian) orientation. However, by the middle of the 21st century in implementing the conceptual model of Eurasianism Russia will return, as suggested in the article, to a classical strategy based on a balance of Westernization and Orientalist ideas.


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