Author page: Tair Mansurov
Annals of Eurasian Integration
In the book “25 years of the Eurasian project of Nursultan Nazarbayev. 1994–2019” historical role of Nursultan Nazarbayev’s Eurasian project as a key tool for effective economic and social development, which opens up new opportunities and prospects for post-Soviet countries, is being consistently illustrated
Long-Awaited Result: Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea Was Adopted
On August 12, 2018 in the Kazakh city of Aktau presidents of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan signed the Convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea. This fundamental document creates a new legal regime of the Caspian Sea that meets modern requirements and aims at further intensification of the comprehensive interaction of coastal countries. The Caspian were going to sign this Convention for more than 20 years…
European Union: Experience and Problems. Critical Analysis
A critical analysis of formation of the European Union — the most significant and mature international regional integration grouping — allows us to identify the sequence and maturing degree of various conditions of interaction, that is, to assess the time characteristics of integration and to identify its most significant stages, as well as to analyze the emerging contradictions and institutional problems of the EU.
Nursultan Nazarbayev: Biography Goes On
Achievements of sovereign Kazakhstan entered the world history in close connection with the name of its President N.A. Nazarbayev. Exactly Nursultan Nazarbayev played the role of an architect of the new independent state. In his interview with A.I. Ageev, the chief editor of the “Economic Strategies” magazine, the doctor of economic sciences, the doctor of political sciences, the author of several scientific papers and publications on the Eurasian economic integration, Kazakh-Russian relations and the history of modern diplomacy Tair Mansurov told about the depth and significance of the ambitious goals set up and strategic objectives achieved, about his book “Nursultan Nazarbayev”, the nuances of the Eurasian countries integration, the key tools of the Eurasian project realization. T.A. Mansurov was awarded the prize “Man of the Year – 2015” by the Russian Biographical Institute for scientific research and development in the sphere of modern Eurasian integration.
Eurasian Integration: Experience, Problems and Development Trends
Creation of Common Economic Space — is primarily an opportunity to develop free competition and strengthen innovative activity in the common space.