Author page: Skotarenko O.V.

Digital technologies in the management of energy resources in the Arctic zone

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.71-80

The article substantiates the necessity of introducing digital technologies based on artificial intelligence in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation. According to the methodology of the World Bank, the indicators of energy production and consumption per capita are important characteristics that reflect not only the dynamics of economic development of regions, but also the quality of life of the population. This study analyzes energy production and consumption in the period from 1990 to 2023, including four regions, the territories of which are fully included in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation. The article touches upon the impact of modern technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) on energy consumption in the future, the use of predictive analytics for sustainable operation of energy systems in the Arctic. It also suggests the possibility of improving the energy efficiency of data centers in the Arctic zone, taking into account the use of natural cooling of servers.


1. On the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and National Security for the Period until 2035: Presidential Decree of the Russian Federation of October 26, 2020. № 645. URL:  

2. On the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the period until 2035: Presidential Decree of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2020. № 164.

3. The Arctic Council. Russian Chairmanship. URL:

4. EMISS. Government statistics. URL:

 5. What the Arctic will be like in 2035. URL:

6. Babkinа L., Skotarenko, O., Kuznetsova E., Khatsenko E. Digitalization of Electrici-ty Suppliers’ Activities in the Arctic Zone. 5th International Scientific Conference on Digital Economy and Finances. St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2022. pp. 439–450.

7. Regions of Russia. Socio-economic indicators – 2023. Official website of the Federal State Statistics Service. URL:

8. E2nergy. An industry media resource created to cover events and trends in the energy industry of Eurasia and the world. URL: 

9. On the development of artificial intelligence in the Russian Federation (together with the «National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence for the period up to 2030»): Decree of the President of the Russian Federation as amended on 02/15/2024 № 490. URL:

10. Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. URL:

11. Roadmap for the development of «end-to-end» digital technology «Neurotechnology and artificial intelligence». URL: 

Pilot training for the Civil air fleet of the USSR in the pre-war period

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.87-97

The he article provides the contents of archival documents that allow us to judge the timeliness of the formation of plans and specific measures for the training of pilots of the civil air fleet in the pre-war period in early 1941, determining their required number and correlation with aviation schools and training squadrons, and also considers the basic requirements for the selection and training of youth in aviation schools and flight center flight instructors. The documents on the staffing of training squadrons and the distribution of cadets to territorial administrations and cities of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are presented.


1. Akmatova A.T. Air transport of Kyrgyzstan / A.T. Akmatova, U.Bakirov. Izvestiya vuzov Kyrgyzstan. 2018;12:84–87.

2.   Astrakhantsev O.N. The history of the formation and development of the military aviation personnel training system in Siberia (1910–1991): dissertation… Candidate of Historical Sciences: 07.00.02. Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, 2019. 638 p.

3.   The day before. Collection of ZapOVO documents (39–41). Information portal Milita. URL:

4.   Nurpiisova E.M. The history of the formation and development of aviation sports clubs in Eastern Siberia in the XX century: dissertation … Candidate of Historical Sciences: 07.00.02. Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, 2010. 225 p.

5.   Ponomarev N.A. The recruitment system for variable flight personnel of the osoaviakhim aero clubs in the last pre-war years (1939 – June 22, 1941). Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art criticism. Questions of theory and practice. 2012;10–1(24):139–142.

6.   Orders of the People’s Commissar of Defense of the USSR. 1941. Information portal «Military law». URL:

7.   Russian Archive: The Great Patriotic War: Vol. 13 (2–2). Orders of the People’s Commissar of Defense of the USSR. June 22, 1941–1942. Moscow: TERRA, 1997.

8.   From July 1 to August 5, 1941, the evacuation of aircraft factories 380 and 381 from Leningrad to Nizhny Tagil was carried out. Information Portal URL:

Training of personnel for the development of innovative activities in the aviation industry of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.52-64

The aim of the study was to identify current development trends in the tourism industry. When conducting the study, methods for processing qualitative and quantitative information were used: methods for analyzing the structure and dynamics of key indicators, graphical and tabular methods for presenting research results. The information basis of the study consisted of statistical materials of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, periodical scientific press, and Internet resources.

Based on the results of the analysis, the main problems in the tourism industry of the Russian Federation were identified: insufficient development of tourism and transport infrastructure, lack of the required number of qualified personnel to work in the tourism industry, insufficiently developed digital environment and information resources in the tourism industry, etc. Based on the identified problems, measures were recommended supporting the tourism industry: increasing investment in the tourism industry by raising funds on the basis of public-private and municipal-private partnerships, life cycle contracts and special investment contracts; increasing the number of budget and extra-budgetary places in tourism specialties, expanding the list of educational programs in tourism destinations, and other measures.


1. Passport of the national project (program) «Labor Productivity and employment support»: approved by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects (Protocol No. 16 dated December 24, 2018. URL:

2. Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary. Moscow: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1985.

3. Passport of the national program «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation» (approved by the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and National Projects on December 24, 2018 No. 16). URL: https://base

4. Anpilogov N.I. Digitalization of the economy of the Russian Federation: the current state and directions of improvement. Vector of economics. 2023;5(83).

5. Babkina L.N., Skotarenko O.V., Khatsenko E.S. Modeling of the economic indicator of the standard of living of the population of the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. Regional economic issues. 2022;2:10–19.

6. Passport of the national project «Science and Universities» (approved by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, April 2023). URL:

7. Klushina L. Innovations in priority. Evening St. Petersburg. June 20, 2024. No. 20.

8. Bodrunov S.D. The State and the revolution. The economic revival of Russia. 2019;1(59):9–13.

9. Lischuk E.N., Kapelyuk S.D. Problems of developing digital skills of the population in Russian regions. Development of socio-economic, scientific and technological potential of regions as a factor in strengthening Russia’s position in the modern world, dedicated to the Decade of Science and Technology in the Russian Federation, the Year of Youth in the Republic of Khakassia (July 5–8, 2023). Abakan: V.M. Torosov Khakass Book Publishing House, 2023. C.121–125. URL:

Peculiarities of financial control in Civil air fleet units during the Great Patriotic War

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.83-90

The publication provides a list of features of financial control over the expenditure of funds from the salary fund in the divisions of the Civil Air Fleet, which include: ensuring the rational and timely expenditure of funds sent to the families of the dead or missing employees; prevention of non-compliance with the deadlines for operational accounting and reporting; the need to improve the process of operational accounting; personal responsibility of commissioners of special units for the preparation and passage of documentation; accurate accounting of all personnel: strict staffing; rational spending of funds for training personnel, maintenance of full-time personnel of educational institutions and stimulation of the activities of linear instructors-pilots; development of measures to stimulate the work of freelance pilot instructors; a full description of the purpose of expenses and sources of their financing during the selection and training of pilots. There are also savings in the process of training pilots in educational institutions and training squadrons during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945. Thus, cost savings were achieved due to a smaller number of full-time personnel, compaction of the working day, incomplete payment of annual bonuses and compensations for unused vacation, reduced duration of cadets in squadrons and early completion of training of some cadets, economical spending on the material part. The basis for improving financial control is timely or operational accounting, therefore, measures for its implementation were also considered.


1. Lipin A.V. Navigational civil aviation service from takeoff to landing. Publishing House St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation A.A. Novikova, 2016. 153 p.

2.NPP GA USSR and NSD GA USSR//History and Information Portal of the International Public Movement «Air Navigation without Borders». URL:

3. Stalin I.V. Writings. T. 18. Tver: Soyuz Information and Publishing Center, 2006.

Organization of logistical support for the civil air fleet in the period 1941–1945

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.29-36

The article presents in chronological order the contents of the documents created in order to provide the Civil Air Fleet with the required fleet of aircraft, fulfill the condition for their effective use, and organize all the necessary logistical support for the operation of the Krasnoyarsk air route. Documents regulating the supply of food to children’s institutions are also being considered.


1. The activities of the SVAG Department for the study of the achievements of German science and technology in the Soviet zone of occupation of Germany. 1945–1949: Collection of documents / Ed. and the author of the introductory article V.V. Zakharov. Comp.: V.V. Zakharov, O.V. Lavinskaya, D.N. Nokhotovich. M.: «Russian Political Encyclopedia» (ROSSPEN), 2007. 704 p.

2. We have come to Victory by a difficult road…. Moscow. 1941–1945: Archival documents and materials / Comp. V.A. Artsybashev, S.S. Voitikov, S.D. Garnyuk, D.G. Davidenko. – M., 2015. 716 p.: ill.

3. Shepelev V.N. Directive documents of the State Budget Committee on the creation of the Moscow defense zone from the funds of the Russian State Defense Fund. November–December 1941. Historical Archive. 2016;1:3–35.

4. Leadership of the country’s defense industry during the war years. – The Oboznik website. URL:

5. Pryamitsyn V.N. The activities of domestic state bodies for the development of military hydrometeorology (1876–1945). Appendices to the dissertation, 2019. 321 p.

6. 1945 / Article in the collection of articles. The State Defense Committee of the USSR. Regulations and activities. 1941–1945. Annotated catalog. in 2 volumes. Ser. «Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences». Volume 2. Moscow: Publishing house «Political Encyclopedia», 2015. pp.986–1220.

7. And the production of peaceful explosives. Kommersant. History. 26.08.2023. The Kommersant website. URL:

Preserving environmental sustainability: challenges and solutions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.114.2024.75-86

In this article, the authors substantiate the concepts of sustainability, stability and risk of conservation and development of three macro–environments — economic, demographic and environmental (natural), based on the provisions of international documents on the creation of sustainable development processes in countries. The level of pollution and the degree of protection of such environmental components as surface water bodies, soil, fauna, flora, land as a territory and waste are based on specific examples of their current state in the Russian Federation and current problems of preserving and improving the economic, demographic and environmental components are identified. Proposals for environmental protection in draft Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation are analyzed. Risks expected in the future in the economic sphere are determined for each specific example based on the developed sustainability model, demographic and environmental conditions.


1. The concept of Sustainable Development of the territories of the countries UN Conference on Environment and Development. New York, 1993. Vol. 1–3.

2. Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: adopted December 11, 1997 Official text in Russian. Vebsayt OON. URL: declconv/conventions/kyoto.shtml

3. Status of Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. Internet Archive 04.04.2016. URL:

4. Paris Agreement. Veb-sayt OON. 2023. URL:

5. Babkin A., Bespalova S., Senetskaya L., Skotarenko O. Tools for digitalization of economic processes for supporting management decision-making in the Arctic region. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019. Volume 302, Issue 1.

6. Babkina L., Skotarenko O. Features of the qualimetric approach in regional studies. Scientific and Technical Bulletin of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Economic sciences. 2013;5:161–165.

7. Bykovskaia E., Maiurova A., Kustikova M., Timofeeva I., Tyurikova E. Assessment of the environmental risks in the development of fossil fuels deposits in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021. Volume 723, Issue 5.

8. Zaychenko I. M., Kalinina O. V., Gutman S. S. Labor resources of the Far North territories: Problems and prospects Proceedings of the 28th International Business Information Management Association Conference — Vision 2020: Innovation Management Development Sustainability and Competitive Economic Growth. URL:

9. Kozin M., Plotnikov V., Skotarenko O. Assessment of challenges, threats, and prospects in development of cities and towns in the Arctic zone. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019. Volume 302, Issue 1.

10. On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2018 No. 204. Legal reference system «Garant» URL:

Development and prospects of the markets of the European-Asian Economic Union

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.113.2023.5-13

The main markets under study, which continue to develop actively on mutually beneficial terms, are the markets of the countries of the European-Asian Economic Union (EAEU). Therefore, in the context of the refusal of the European Union (EU) countries from the work of European economic entities on the territory of the Russian Federation, the procurement of natural resources necessary for the needs of energy companies, the relevance of the formation of strategic goals, criteria for their achievement, the implementation of planned plans and specific ongoing activities in full, is an important task of governments in public management systems of all five countries of the union. To achieve the main strategic goal of the EAEU activity – to improve the standard of living of the population of the countries. It is necessary to ensure the joint development of three single markets: labor, goods and finance. The further successful solution of this problem is facilitated by the activities of the Single Customs Union, aimed at the almost unhindered movement of labor and goods within the borders of the Union countries. Such integration of the countries’ trade and economic activities makes it possible to significantly increase the trade turnover between the countries, attract labor resources, first of all, to the Russian Federation. However, there are also unresolved problems. For example, in order to strengthen the production and food integration of countries, it is necessary to introduce additional provisions into the mechanisms for regulating the export movement of goods. In order to carry out mutual attraction of finance in the form of investments on the territory of these countries, a single regulatory space is being created, which should include a standard.


1. Federal Law «On the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation» dated July 24, 2007 N 209-FZ. URL:
2. Zhokhova V.V. Social entrepreneurship: essence and concept. News of the Far Eastern Federal University. Economics and Management. 2015;1:85-98. (In Russ.).
3. Zhukovskaya I.V. Specifics of researching the service market using the example of the Republic of Tatarstan. Microeconomics. 2020;5:93-98. (In Russ.).
4. Pyatanova V.I. Social responsibility of business and value creation. Microeconomics. 2022;3:57-62. (In Russ.).
5. Ragimkhanov A.V. Systematization of scientific approaches to the study of competitiveness of services: from theory to practice. / A.V. Ragimkhanov, I.V. Zhukovskaya. Microeconomics. 2022;1:75-78. (In Russ.).
6. Tolmachev Yu.M. The role and place of social entrepreneurship in the digital economy of the Russian Federation. Economic Sciences. 2023;5 (222):363-370. (In Russ.).
7. Website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Tatarstan. URL:

Medium-term prospects for the development of the coal mining industry in the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.112.2023.72-84

Considered the main provisions of international agreements that limit the use of such an energy resource as coal. The authors analyzed the real situation with the production, import and consumption of other types of energy resources, such as oil and gas, which has led to the fact that the volume of production and supply of coal in the Russian Federation to domestic and foreign (foreign) client markets is practically not reduced. According to the plan developed by the Government of the Russian Federation, the development of coal mining and the entire coal industry will develop in three stages until 2035. The tasks of the first stage are now being implemented. In addition to the further development of old fields, work will be carried out to find and develop new fields according to two development scenarios – conservative and optimistic. Both scenarios assume an increase in the volume of exported coal to those countries that are the main consumers of coal – the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of India. In 2023, the Republic of Turkey joined these countries, where coal imports are only 10% less than in the Republic of India and 45% less than in the People’s Republic of China. In order to increase the supply of coal to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, it is planned to further develop the Baikal-Amur and Trans-Siberian Railways, as well as the construction of railway and water routes for the delivery of goods, including coal, along the North-South transport corridor to the seaport in Mumbai in the Republic of India. In addition, the Northern Sea Route from Murmansk to the ports of China will be developed. Consequently, the revenues of the federal budget of the Russian Federation from coal exports will not decrease, despite the promotion of Green Energy by foreign countries.


1. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Veb-sayt OON. URL:
2. Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change: adopted December 11, 1997 Official text in Russian. Veb-sayt OON. URL:
3. Киотский протокол 1997. Большая российская энциклопедия: [в 35 т.] / гл. ред. Ю. С. Осипов. М.: Большая российская энциклопедия, 2004-2017.
4. Wirth D.A. The Paris Agreement: A New Component of the UN Climate Regime. Bulletin of International Organizations. 2017;12(4):185-214. (In Russ.).
5. Status of Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. Internet Archive. 04.04.2016. URL:
6. Paris Agreement. Veb-sayt OON. URL:
7. Lavrov: Russia leads the world in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Veb-sayt RIA-News. 20.09.2015. URL:
8. Main indicators of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. Coal mining. Official site of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation. URL:
9. Coal marking, coal grades. Neftegaz.RU: internet-portal. URL:
10. Coal Russia. Siberian Federal District. Internet-portal of the fuel and energy complex community. URL:
11. Milkin V. «Northern Star» Trotsenko began to supply coal to China. Vedomosti: internet-portal. 01.03.2023. URL:
12. «Northern Star» flotilla shines. Kommersant: internet-portal. 16.02.2021. URL:
13. Severnaya Zvezda will order 28 ships for the supply of coal along the Northern Sea Route. Maritime news of Russia: internet-portal. 16.02.2021. URL:
14. The North Star will need 40 ships to transport coal from the Taimyr cluster. Neftegaz.RU: internet-portal. URL:
15. The IEA reported that global coal demand in 2022 reached a record 8.3 billion tons. ТАSS: internet-portal. URL:
16. The IEA, in its traditional report, named the main «wild cards» of the oil market in 2023. Neftegaz.RU: internet-portal. URL:
17. On approval of the Russian coal industry development program for the period up to 2035: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 2020 No. 1582-r (as amended on October 13, 2022). Consultant plus Information and legal: portal. URL:

The state of the healthcare system in the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.111.2023.82-93

Examines the state of the healthcare system in the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation based on the analysis of the level of provision of the population with healthcare facilities and personnel, judging by such specific indicators of annual state statistical reporting as the number of doctors of all specialties and secondary medical personnel, the burden on healthcare workers, the number of secondary medical personnel per doctor, the population per one a hospital bed, the capacity of outpatient clinics, the morbidity of the population with a diagnosis established for the first time in their lives. The ranking of the main classes of diseases according to the indicator characterizing the number of cases was also carried out. The dynamics of changes in these specific indicators from 2005 to 2021 is given, which allowed us to identify trends towards an increase or decrease in the quantitative values of the indicators under consideration.


1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 20, 2023 No. 1315-r “On approval of the Concept of technological development for the period up to 2030”. URL:

2. Global Innovation Index 2022

3. Rating of regions by scientific and technological development – the results of 2021. URL:

4. Human development index in Russia: regional differences. URL:

5. Most educated countries in 2023. URL:

6. Information and analytical materials based on the results of monitoring the activities of educational institutions of higher education. URL:

7. In 2022, the size of the market for additional professional education in Russia decreased by 3.8%: from 824 to 793 million acad. hours. URL:

8. Demographics. URL:

9. Life expectancy in Russia rose to a record high after a two-year decline. URL:

10. On the results of the work of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2022 and tasks for 2023. URL:

11. The main directions of the budget, tax and customs tariff policy for 2023 and for the planning period of 2024 and 2025. URL:

Arctic zone territories development and their environmental safety

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.110.2023.59-71

The article is devoted to creating new and improving existing infrastructure in the territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, ensuring the year-round operation of the Northern Sea Route as a promising international main waterway. The authors analyze the liquefied natural gas production plants, ports, and railways under construction on the coast of the seas of the Arctic Ocean as these objects create opportunities for increasing the volume of maritime transport and icebreakers, as well as the speed of goods delivery to the countries of the Southeast Asia and the Pacific basin. In addition, the facilities optimizing energy supply are studied as key impacts that improve the conditions and quality of life of the population in this area. The authors analyze the fundamental documents for the development of the Arctic zone, approved by the President and the Government of the Russian Federation. The article highlights dynamics of the population, average per capita cash income from 2005 to 2021 as the main factor contributing to the population stability and the main indicators from the annual state statistical reporting, that characterize the changes in the level of atmosphere and surface water pollution and determine the level of environmental safety of the Arctic zone territories of the Russian Federation.


1. On the Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the period up to 2035: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2020. No. 164. URL:

2. On the strategy for the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and ensuring national security until 2035: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 26, 2020. No. 645. URL:

3. On the land territories of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 2, 2014. No. 296 Retrieved from:

4. On approval of the plan for the development of the Northern Sea Route for the period up to 2035: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 1, 2022. No. 2115-r. URL:

5. On the peculiarities of providing citizens with land plots that are in state or municipal ownership and located in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation and in other territories of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation, and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 05/01/2016. No. 119-FZ. URL:

6. On production and consumption waste: Federal Law No. 89-FZ of June 24, 1998 (as amended on December 19, 2022. URL: