Author page: Simonova V.A.

Formation of an optimal asset structure of production enterprises according to the goals of their owners

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.103.2022.58-64

The article considers the issue of forming the optimal structure of assets of manufacturing enterprises according to the goals of their owners. An original approach is proposed to optimize the structure of the company’s assets according to the criterion of maximizing their effectiveness for owners through the enterprise capitalization indicator.

To link the indicators of capitalization and profit from the existing assets of manufacturing enterprises of the manufacturing industry, the authors propose to create a multiple regression model, where the independent variable is capitalization (profit), the dependent ones are indicators of specific assets.

After finding the contributions (regression coefficients) of each asset, we propose to form their structure according to the principle of a portfolio approach, in which the efficiency indicator of all assets will strive to the maximum and at the same time the specific features of the enterprise in each case will be taken into account [10].


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