Author page: Olga Bliznyuk

Methodological Approaches to Studying the Competitive Potential of the Mechanical Engineering Complex of the Republic of Belarus

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.36-41

In modern economic conditions, the study of competitive potential of the machine-building complex of the Republic of Belarus allows us to assess the prospects for growth of the potential share of domestic producers in foreign markets, increase the share of high-tech exports, as well as to elaborate a strategy for developing mechanical engineering complex taking into account micro- and macroenvironmental factors. To achieve the objectives, the authors propose methodological approaches to studying the competitive potential of the machine-building complex of the Republic of Belarus, the peculiarity of which is the optimal combination of theoretical and methodological tools for analyzing competitiveness based on domestic and foreign experience.


1. Bakirova E.Yu. Teoreticheskie osnovy upravleniya razvitiem proizvodstva v regione [Theoretical Basis for Managing Production Development in the Region]. Obshchestvo: politika, ekonomika, parvo, 2014, no 1, pp. 82–85.

2. Diagramma Isikavy kak metod analiza problem kompanii [Ishikawa Diagram as a Method for Analyzing Company Problems], available at: https://

3. List of exporters for the selected product. ITC, available at:

Methodological Support of the Competitiveness Management of the Machine-Building Complex of the Republic of Belarus on the Basis of the Strategic Business Units Creation


In the context of a rapidly changing economic reality, the management of large industrial complexes at the macro level has been become increasingly complex and difficult to predict. Directly, the ability to find, create, and combine new and existing conceptual foundations of management policy that have not been used before, but take into account the trends and features of certain socio-economic systems provides an opportunity to develop and create a flexible, adaptive management competitive mechanism that allows, depending on the circumstances, both to re-develop the system from the inside and adjust it to the existing conditions of the macro-environment. Thus, management becomes the main strategic resource that ensures the competitive advantage of the socio-economic system, as well as its’ “survival”, adaptation, transformation and development. The machine-building complex of the Republic of Belarus is an example of a multidimensional volumetric socio-economic system that requires large management costs to increase and strengthen its competitive capabilities and potential. This article is devoted directly to the development of methodological tools for managing the competitiveness of the machine-building complex of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account the features and conditions of its functioning.



1. Investitsionnyi tsikl [Investment Cycle]. Informatsionnyi biznes-portal, available at:

2. Osobennosti mashinostroeniya [Mechanical Engineering Features]. Cpravochnik, available at:

3. 4 Characteristics of Industrial or Commercial Equipment. WorthvieW, available at:

4. Industry Overview: Machinery. Value Line, available at:

5. How to succeed: Strategic options for European machinery. McKinsey&Company, available at:

6. Machinery and equipment. European business — Facts and figures, available at:

7. Machinery Manufacturing Industry Profile. First Research, available at:

8. Naurodski S., Benc V., Lacny M., Lafiuk I., Valetka U. Machine Industry Report. CASE Belarus, available at:

9. List of exporters for the selected product. Product: 84 Machinery, mechanical appliances, nuclear reactors, boilers; parts thereof. ITC, available at:

Factors and Tools for Managing the Competitiveness of the Machine-Building Complex


The article defines the main factors of increasing the competitiveness of the machine-building complex in the integration economic area. The relationship between the factors of comparative competitive advantages of export-oriented engineering production and the structure of commodity exports is presented in the article. A methodology for assessing the competitiveness of the machine-building complex is proposed, which is focused on determining its comparative advantages in prospective segments of export commodity groups. The results of testing the methodology on the basis of statistical data of export segments of the commodity groups of machine-building industry in the CIS countries are presented

Methods of Managing the Machine-Building Complex Competitiveness at the Macro Level

#1. Minds Confusion
Methods of Managing the Machine-Building Complex Competitiveness at the Macro Level

This article is devoted to the author’s method of competitiveness management at the macro level. The article deals with modern approaches to the establishment of competitiveness factors on the basis of correlation analysis and the introduction of the concept of competitiveness management at the macro level based on the creation of strategic business units. The implementation of these author’s proposals will significantly improve the competitiveness of the machine-building complex of the Republic of Belarus through the use of progressive approaches in management.

Methods of Managing Competitiveness of the Machine-Building Complex at the Micro Level

#6. For the High Norm
Methods of Managing Competitiveness of the Machine-Building Complex at the Micro Level

The present article dwells on the author’s methodology of managing the competitiveness of a machine-building complex at the micro level, that is, at the enterprise level. According to the author, introduction of new progressive tools and management principles in each particular enterprise will allow not only to increase significantly competitiveness of the machine-building complex as a whole, but also to elaborate successful long-term strategy for the economy development.

Experience of Managing Competitiveness in the Innovation Environment Using the Case of Eastern Countries

#7. Foresight Boom
Experience of Managing Competitiveness in the Innovation Environment Using the Case of Eastern Countries

Modern innovative environment provides many opportunities for managing competitiveness of the national economy. Experience of managing competitiveness in the innovation environment seems useful in terms of studying the factors of innovative development and identifying promising directions of the national economy of the Republic of Belarus, in particular, the machine-building complex. As the objects of research, the author selected such countries as Korea, Japan, Thailand, China and Singapore.