Author page: Nikolay Shulevsky

Is Human Intelligence Really Human?

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.192.2023.136-143

The author explores phenomenon of “new people”, the type and functions of their inherent intelligence. Novelty as a goal in itself serves as the generative and creative principle of these people, their minds. In the phrases “new man”, “new mind”, it is not people and mind that become significant, but novelty. The demonic character — the devil, who established the first innovation — a sin, became the author, the initiator of novelty in the universe. The devil has perverted the mind, made it a tool of denial and self-denial, of anti-human inventions. Denial of sacredness, betrayal (Judaism) became the first and the main discovery-invention of reason. Death is the second unique discovery and invention of the mind. Torture is the third original discovery and invention of the mind. Healing the mind from demonism is possible only in the context of a holistic spirit, which restores the sacred relationships between mind and consciousness, establishes the semantic and logos responsibility of the mind for its deeds. The first experiments in real purification of the mind were philosophy of economy and sophiasophy. But complete restoration of the union of reason and consciousness, apparently, will be achieved only by a total crisis, which will become the last discovery-invention of the fiery abstract mind.


1. Kutyrev V.A. Chelo-vek tekhnologiy. Tsivilizatsiya fal’shizma [Man of Technology. Civilization of Falschism]. Saint Petersburg, Aleteyya, 2001.

2. Martin G.-P., Shumann Kh. Zapadnya globalizatsii: ataka na protsvetanie i demokratiyu [The Trap of Globalization: An Attack on Prosperity and Democracy]. Moscow, Al’pina, 2001.

3. Materialisty Drevney Gretsii [The Materialists of Ancient Greece]. Moscow, 1955.

4. Kant I. Kritika chistogo razuma: Poln. sobr. soch. [Criticism of Pure Reason]. Vol. 3. Moscow, 1965.

Post-truth as the Trojan Horse of the Abyss

DOI: https://​doi.​org/​10.​33917/​es-​6.​186.​2022.​142-​151

The article investigates the phenomenon of post-truth which today has become the king of the mental world. The post-truth expresses the destructive will of the subject to power, the desire to replace the truth with the power of the machine will. Artificial intelligence is a technically complete embodiment of the post-truth. The post-truth is a method of the people standardization. In the post-truth, the will to play as a kingdom and the temptation of the emptiness, irresponsibility, is hidden. The post-truth expresses the civilization transformation into a machine that produces garbage and waste. In the post-truth, the unrestrained and predetermined will of garbage, a garbage can, the garbage, seeking to become a space holiday of life, is hidden. The post-truth is the madness of the global dump, its suicidal will. The post-truth is the will of infertility denying the highest creative freedom of the world through simulacres, semblance, illusions, fakes, brazen lies.


1. Gegel’ G.V.F. Entsiklopediya filosofskikh nauk. Nauka logiki [Encyclopedia of Philosophical Sciences. Science of Logic]. Moscow, Mysl’, 1974, p. 108.

Metaphysics of Violence

#4. Window of Opportunities
Metaphysics of Violence

The article analyzes metaphysical aspects of violence on the basis of three theses. 1. Metaphysics of violence. Violence in today’s world acts as an end in itself and its volumes grow towards the apocalypse. 2. Physics of violence. Violence is used by the state and its institutions as a means of positivity. 3. Wisdom of violence. Philosophy of economy and Russian sophianic philosophy are seeking the ways of transforming violence into meaningful, educational, training, cultural forms of human behavior determination, into the social structures of justice.
