Author page: Nadezhda Gaponenko

Scientific Knowledge Base in the Lens of Innovation Policy

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.50-57

The article examines the problem of measuring the scientific knowledge base (SKB) of innovation systems, the solution of which ensures transition to policy reformatting through the prism of SKB, which in its turn makes it possible to form a bridge between SKB and competitive opportunities in the sectoral market, between scientific knowledge and provision of technological and economic security. The developed measurement system was used to evaluate the SKB of Russia’s SIS in the field of nanotechnology in order to answer a number of questions. Has competitive nanoscience been created during the reforms? Are the country’s economic reforms supported by nanotechnological knowledge? Is the scientific sector oriented towards developing breakthrough nanotechnologies of the future?


1. Gaponenko N.V. Sektoral’nye innovatsionnye sistemy v ekonomike, osnovannoi na znaniyakh [Sectoral Innovation Systems in the Knowledge-Based

Economy]. Monografiya. Moscow, IPRAN RAN, 2021.

2. Gaponenko N.V. Formirovanie tekhnologicheskoi bazy ekonomiki, osnovannoi na znaniyakh [Forming the Technological Base of the Knowledge-based

Economy]. Monografiya. Moscow, Yuniti-Dana, 2018.

3. Gaponenko N. In Search of Sectoral Foresight Methodology: Bridging Foresight and Sectoral System of Innovation and Production. Futures, 2022 HYPERLINK “”, vol. 135.

4. Gaponenko N.V. Zakonomernosti i osobennosti evolyutsii sektoral’nykh innovatsionnykh sistem v ramkakh dolgosrochnogo tsikla [Regularities and Features of the Evolution of Sectoral Innovation Systems in the Framework of a Long-term Cycle]. Sistemy i menedzhment, 2020, no 1.

5. Chimini G., Gabrielli A., Silos Labini F. Nauchnaya konkurentosposobnost’ natsii [Scientific Competitiveness of Nations]. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9(12).

6. Nanoindustriya Rossii. Statisticheskii spravochnik. 2015–2020 [Nanoindustry of Russia. Statistical Handbook. 2015-2020]. Moscow, 2020.

Digital Technologies Beyond Hype: The Global Landscape


The paper discusses three key issues that play a special role in the development of strategies and policies for digital technologies: 1) particularities of digital technologies that greatly influence the principles and methodological approaches to the development of strategic documents, 2) drivers, main players and trends of global market, 3) trends in the accumulation of a technological knowledge base to provide competitive advantages to national companies in the short and medium term.


1. Gaponenko N.V., Glenn J.C. Technology Industry 4.0: Problems of Labor, Employment and Unemployment. Studies on Russian Economic Development, 2020, vol. 31, no 3, pp. 271–276.

2. Gaponenko N.V. Teoreticheskie i metodologicheskie osnovy issledovaniya innovatsionnykh sistem i formirovaniya tekhnologicheskikh prioritetov ikh razvitiya v ekonomike, osnovannoi na znaniyakh [Theoretical and Methodological Foundations for Studying Innovative Systems and Forming Technological Priorities of their Development in the Knowledge-Based Economy]. Moscow, IPRAN RAN, 2020, 151 p.

3. Gaponenko N.V. Zakonomernosti i osobennosti evolyutsii sektoral’nykh innovatsionnykh sistem v ramkakh dolgosrochnogo tsikla [Regularities and Evolution Features of Sectoral Innovation Systems within the Long-Term Cycle]. Systems and Management, 2020, no 1, pp. 44–67.

4. Gaponenko N.V. Sektoral’nye innovatsionnye sistemy v ekonomike, osnovannoi na znaniyakh [Sectoral Innovation Systems in the Knowledge-Based Economy]. Moscow, IPRAN RAN, 2021, 264 p.

5. Going Digital: Shaping Policies, Improving Lives. Paris, OECD Publishing, 2019.

6. IT Industry Outlook 2021. CompTIA, 2020.

7. Gaponenko N.V. Global’nye vyzovy v formirovanii politsentrichnogo mirovogo poryadka: traektorii retro i traektorii budushchego [Global Challenges in Formation of a Polycentric World Order: Retro Trajectories and Trajectories of the Future]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2020, vol. 22, no 1(167), pp. 28–35, DOI:

8. Positive 5G Outlook Post COVID-19: What Does It Mean for Avid Gamers? Forest Interactive, 2020.

Global Challenges in Formation of a Polycentric World Order: Retro Trajectories and Trajectories of the Future

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.28-35

Global challenges as the core of the processes of globalization and formation of a new world order provide direction and rhythm of transformation processes in all countries. The article dwells on a set of interconnected global challenges, their retrospective dynamics and future trajectories. Particular attention is paid to the place of Russia in global transformations. It was revealed that thanks to measures taken at all levels of management, positive dynamics have formed in relation to many challenges, but the progress is developing at the expense of ecology and safety. Critical for Russia is a fundamental science cost lag; with such a gap, we won’t be able to ensure defence, economic and technological security and will form the future for ourselves on the far reaches of the world progress

Foresight of a Knowledge-Based Economy: in Search of Trajectory

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
Foresight of a Knowledge-Based Economy: in Search of Trajectory

The author considers three generations of foresight to identify the vector and the logic of its development in order to build theoretical foundation and methodology of foresight in a knowledge-based economy. The article reveals that as the new economy comes into being and develops, a shift from the paradigm of linearity to complexity paradigm, from considering an object under research as a closed and static system to adaptive, dynamic, open, self-organizing systems of a new complexity level, developing in a globalizing economy, in rapidly changing environments with high level of uncertainty, occurs. Theoretical basis should be the theory of evolution, complexity and chaos.

Will Russia Win a Great Nano-Racing? Focus on Creating a Productive Sectoral Sphere of Research and Development in Nanotechnology

#5. Cultural Revolution

Will Russia win a great nano-racing? Probably not! Corruption, powerful lobby groups which consume a significant part of financial resources, an aging staff and inadequate measures of power structures determine stagnation processes. On the world arena Russia is step by step giving up its advantage to more ambitious, energetic and purposeful.

Over the Skyline: the Use of Foresight for Research of the Future and Development of Adaptive Strategies

#1-2. Beacon’s blues

With the growing uncertainties foresight in a certain sense provides an opportunity for more “stable game” in increasingly unstable world.