Author page: Moiseeva O.A.

Image consulting in various sectors of the economy and fields of activity

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.15-28

The article examines image consulting in various sectors of the economy and areas of activity in modern socio-economic conditions. It is shown that the volume of the Russian management consulting market, according to various expert estimates, in 2021 amounted to about 50–60 billion rubles, by the end of 2022 it was reduced by almost half. One of the main problems of the Russian management consulting market at the end of 2023 is the loss of qualified personnel and the almost complete destruction of their reproduction system. The Russian management consulting market at the end of 2023 has undergone significant structural transformations: the names and number of key players, pricing policy and client priorities have changed.

The state and prospects for the development of various subjects of consulting services in Russia are analyzed using the example of three successful industry cases of image consulting from various industries and fields of activity: PJSC Sber-Bank, the cellular operator Beeline and the catering enterprise Zernyshko Coffee House. It was shown that the main problem for the considered organizations is the choice of an image consultant, and recommendations were given to solve this problem.


1. Abramova P.V., Ishchenko I.G. Consulting as a tool to increase the investment attractiveness of franchising projects. In the collection: Current management issues. Edited by S.V. Taktarova, G.N. Tuguskina, 2020. pp. 26-30.

2. Akoff R. Planning the future of the corporation. Progress, 2018.

3. Aleshnikova V.I. Using the services of professional consultants, INFRA-M, 2020.

4. Aleshnikova V.I. New realities of the international and Russian management consulting market. In the book: Marketing and Infrastructure projects. Monograph. Moscow, 2023. pp. 190-199.

5. Alferova E.S. Management consulting in Russia. In the collection: Public and administrative management in Russia: history and modernity, digitalization, innovation, intelligence. A youth’s view, 2020. pp. 202-205.

6. Marinko G.I. Managerial consulting. INFA–M, 2021.

7. A joint project of the Russian Federation and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Assistance in improving the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation. Financial literacy and mass information: A reference guide. Moscow, 2017. 454 p.

8. Galina E.A. Consulting as a tool to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise. In the collection: Current management issues. Edited by S.V. Taktarova, G.N. Tuguskina, 2020. pp. 48-51.

9. Dolya N.G., Shulika E.N. Development of management consulting in Russia. Economics and society. 2016;5-1(24):587-589. (In Russ.).

10. Zaripova L.A. Management consulting as an objective necessity for the development of an organization. In the collection: Student science – agricultural production. Materials of the 81st student (regional) scientific conference. Kazan, 2023. pp. 200-209.

Principles of corporate ethics of managers of industrial and service enterprises

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.109.2023.82-92

The article explores different approaches to the term “sustainability” existing in academic literature and used in practice. It describes three methods – two well-known ones and another one developed by the authors – used for quantitative assessment of the degree of economic and financial sustainability in regions. The regions include four Russian federal subjects in the Russian Arctic and three macroregions that include the aforesaid regions. The indicators used for the assessment are grouped by the following aspects: relevance to national projects, type of assessment scale, internal or external economic factors, and income or spending in a consolidated regional budget. The article explores and draws a distinction between the influence of external factors – indicators of the demographic and natural environments – on the economic sustainability of an area.  A comparative analysis is done for three Russian macroregions and four Arctic regions by degree of economic and financial sustainability. The regions and macroregions are ranked based on the results of the comparative analysis using the selected indicators. The ranking helps identify potential strategic vectors and their succession as well as criteria for improvement of economic sustainability in the Russian Arctic.


1. Babkin N., Bespalova S., Senetskaya L., Skotarenko O. Tools for digitalization of economic processes for supporting management decision-making in the Arctic region // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019. Volume 302 Issue 1. 6 August. No 012147.

2. Bykovskaia E., Maiurova A., Kustikova M., Timofeeva I., Tyurikova E.  Assessment of the environmental risks in the development of fossil fuels deposits in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 723. Issue 5. 12 April 2021.

3. Bulletin of current trends in Russian economy, Retrieved, 2020. URL:

4. Kozin M., Plotnikov V., Skotarenko O. Assessment of challenges, threats, and prospects in development of cities and towns in the Arctic zone // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 302 Issue 1. 6 August No 012103.

5. Concept of Sustainable Development in Countries United Nation Conference on Environment and Development, 1993.  New York. Vol. 1-3. URL:

6. Towards a Global Pact for the Environment of 10 May 2018: Resolution A / 72 / L.51. URL:

7. National Projects: expectations, results, and prospects. 28.07.2020 Ekspert RA Rating Agency. URL:

8. On national development goals in the Russian Federation until 2030:  Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 21 June 2020 No 474. URL:

9. On Land Territories in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2 May 2016 No. 296 // Collected Laws of the RF 05.05.2014 No18 Part I Art. 2136.

Policy for managing current assets and multifunctional corporate communications of Russian low-cost airlines

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.104.2022.46-56

This article discusses modern problems of managing current assets and corporate communications of Russian low-cost airlines under economic sanctions. It has been established that Azur Air LLC combines an aggressive current asset management policy and an aggressive type of current liability management policy. Thus, a comprehensive policy for the operational management of assets and multifunctional corporate communications can also be characterized as aggressive. During the pandemic, Azur Air LLC demonstrated the high flexibility of its business model, which was achieved through a diverse air fleet, consisting of wide- and narrow-body Boeing aircraft of various modifications. This made it possible in the spring of 2022 to freely carry out a number of export transatlantic flights for Russian citizens who were abroad, for the first time to start operating flights on domestic routes, and to intensify cargo transportation.


1. Bezpalov V.V., Lochan S.A., Fedyunin D.V., Ivanov A.V., Avtonomova S.A. Big data and the possibilities of their use in the development of a communicative strategy for enterprises of the regional industrial complex. Bulletin of the Altai Academy of Economics and Law. 2020;1-2:28-34.

2. Zaitseva N.A., Makarova L.M., Larionova A.A., Filatov V.V., Okunev D.V., Polozhentseva I.V., Vikhrova N.O. Assessment of the competitiveness of subjects of the telecommunications services market. Dilemas contemporaneos: Educación, Politica y Valores. 2019;6(S3):60.

3. Moiseeva O.A. On the development strategies of the modern communication field. ASOU conference: a collection of scientific papers and materials of scientific and practical conferences. 2016;3:532-535.

4. Official Internet resource of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. Transport strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. URL:

5. Radko S.G., Mishakov V.Yu. Communicative activity in personnel management procedures. In: Economics, management and service: a modern view on topical issues. Sat. scientific tr. Ed. Mishakova V.Yu., Zernovoi L.E. Moscow, 2018. pp. 169-179.

6. Ramazanov I.A., Strungar A.N. Information and communication globalization of the Russian economy. Creative economy. 2018;12(10):1549-1568.

7. Ramazanov I.A., Kravezhina L.E. Integrated communications as the basis of a modern approach of enterprises to the planning and rational use of media resources. Russian entrepreneurship. 2015;16(21):3885-3894.

8. Filatov V.V., Alenina E.E., Demchenkova S.A., Puchkova D.R. On the possibility of using the scenario approach in forecasting and budgeting in the corporate governance practice of Aeroflot PJSC. Microeconomics. 2022;1:83-90.

9. Information about Azur Air LLC. URL: