Author page: Mironova E.V.

Historical features of the development and formation of cartel conspiracies in Russia and abroad

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.107.2022.81-90

The scientific article analyzes the definitions of the concept of «cartel conspiracy» and examines the historical features of the development of cartels in Russia. International experience is taken into account in relation to the issue of research on the example of the USA and Germany. The authors have formulated their own definition of cartel collusion as a form of association of economic entities based on a number of oral or written agreements, the participants of which, without renouncing financial, industrial and commercial independence, achieve common goals (influence on prices, determination of the course and results of bidding, division of territories or consumers) when interacting with various economic entities (cartel and non-cartel companies, suppliers and customers of goods and services, direct competitors, manufacturers of substitutes, government agencies, etc.).



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