Author page: Marina Mitrofanova

Assessing Economic Security of a Commercial Organization Providing Medical Services

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.138-143

Based on the analysis of existing methods for a comprehensive assessment of the economic security level of business entities, the author proposes a methodology for an integrated evaluation of the economic security of a commercial organization providing medical services, based on the calculation of a cumulative criterion via the distance method. This methodology makes it possible to consider peculiarities characterizing the aspects and risk factors of the economic security of a commercial organization providing medical services, to assess the level of economic security both in general for the organization and for its individual functional components as well.


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4. Mitrofanova M.N. Otsenka effektivnosti proektov po vnedreniyu nauchno-issledovatel’skogo i ispytatel’nogo oborudovaniya na promyshlennom predpriyatii [Assessment of the Effectiveness of Projects for the Implementation of Research and Testing Equipment at an Industrial Enterprise]. Upravlenie

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Implementation of Environmental Innovations by Processing Industry Enterprises

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.190.2023.108-113

The results of the analysis of the implementation of environmental innovations by manufacturing enterprises, carried out on the basis of methods for processing qualitative and quantitative information, are presented. The main problems hindering the innovative activity of manufacturing enterprises are outlined, among which the most significant are the lack of funds for the introduction of innovations, the high cost of innovations. Ways to solve these problems are proposed: further development of the legislative framework and regulatory documents, the use of a full cycle approach and long-term cooperation with partners in the value chain, fundraising from development institutions and specialized investment funds, the use of leasing schemes.


1. Mitrofanova M. N. Innovatsionnoe razvitie obrabatyvayushchei promyshlennosti [Innovative Development of the Manufacturing Industry]. Fundamental’nye i prikladnye issledovaniya kooperativnogo sektora ekonomiki, 2019, no 2, pp. 115–123.

2. Federal’naya sluzhba gosudarstvennoi statistiki [Website]. URL:

3. UN Environment Programme [Website]. URL: