Author page: Lomakina E.V.

Analysis of the corporate governance system of the Russian state holding company of the nuclear industry

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.111.2023.56-68

On the basis of transactional analysis, the model of interdependence of the three main categories of corporate governance of Rosatom Group is considered.  Having analyzed the management structures of the joint-stock company and taking into account the desire of Rosatom Group to maximize shareholder profits, we believe that Rosatom Group was created in accordance with the Anglo-Saxon model of corporate governance. One of the problems of corporate governance is that the company’s principles enshrined in the Code of Business Conduct and Business Ethics of Rosatom State Corporation lack an element of innovation, and the company’s mission poorly reflects it, despite the “innovative development program”. The problem of mismatch of principles in such a large corporation as Rosatom, of course, at some point may have a negative impact on the internal environment. It is proposed, in order to optimize corporate governance processes and accelerate managerial decision-making, to reproduce a comprehensive automated database on the corporate ownership structure of Rosatom Group organizations in the nuclear industry.


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Organizational, economic and technological aspects of processing solid household waste into electricity in the leading countries of the European Union

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.108.2023.74-84

This article discusses the organizational, economic and technological aspects of the processing of MSW into electricity in the leading EU countries under economic sanctions. The issues of using and applying foreign, in particular German experience in the field of state incentives for companies to use renewable energy sources in the energy sector and the processing of municipal solid waste were considered. It has been established that over the past three decades, the consumption of brown coal in the fuel and energy complex of Germany has decreased from 21 to 8%, hard coal from 15 to 8%, and the use of nuclear energy has decreased from 11 to 6%, while gas consumption has increased from 11 to 25%. It has been revealed that over the past few years Germany has been the leader in the EU in terms of MSW recycling and the share of waste return to the economic turnover in Germany is 66%, while in the EU countries this figure does not exceed 46% on average. In particular, in Germany, electronic industry waste is 100% recycled, and waste paper, cardboard and glass are recycled by more than 85%. The German technology of MSW processing is analyzed, which allows the most efficient use of organic waste for the production of renewable energy sources, including biogas and fertilizers for agriculture.


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