Author page: Kuzina E.S.

Digital model of geological and economic assessment of exploration for hydrocarbon raw materials

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.50-54

The article is devoted to the development of a digital model of geological and economic assessment of exploration for hydrocarbon raw materials in Russia. The main approaches to the formation of a digital model of hydrocarbon exploration are considered. The interaction of all participants in the process of preparing a digital model of geological and economic assessment is justified.


1. The national project «Digital Economy of the Russian Federation». URL:

2. Yelovskaya M.A. World experience in building a digital economy prospects for digitalization of the Russian economy. Izvestiya St. Petersburg State University of Economics. 2022;(5–2 (137)):35–41.

3. Korotkov S.B., Polyakov E.E., Korotkov B.S. Regional three-dimensional geological models of oil and gas provinces as a basis for prospecting and exploration. Scientific and technical collection of Vesti gazovoi nauki. 2017;(3 (31)):308–316.

4. Germakhanov A.A., Gert A.A., Kazanov O.V., Gorshenin N.E. Pestrikov A.A., Romanyuk V.B. Information and analytical system for assessing the economic efficiency of geological exploration facilities in federal programs and projects. Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and management. 2024;1: 28–35.

5. Mursalyan A.V., Bochkova T.A. Digitalization of the economy and its impact on individual sectors of the economy. Economics and Business: theory and practice. 2022; (4–2(86)):47–50.

6. Kuzina E.S., Melekhin E.S. On the reliability of geological and economic estimates in subsurface use//Mineral resources of Russia. Economics and Management, 2019;5:52–55.

The use of an organizational and economic mechanism for the rational use of hydrocarbons

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.103-107

The article considers aspects of the use of an organizational and economic mechanism for the rational use of hydrocarbons. The author presents trends in the development of subsurface use of hydrocarbons, as well as factors constraining the development of geological exploration and rational subsurface use of hydrocarbons. A scheme of the organizational and economic mechanism of rational subsurface use of hydrocarbons has been developed and a system of interaction by blocks has been described. Conclusions are drawn regarding the application of the organizational and economic mechanism in the fuel and economic complex of the country.


1. Law of the Russian Federation of 21.02.1992 No. 2395-1 «On Subsoil».

2. Davydov A.V. Issues of rational subsoil use in modern conditions. Georesources. 2023;25(3):82–88.

3. Kuzina E.S. Organizational and economic mechanism in subsoil use // Proceedings of the II International scientific and practical conference «Modern world scientific achievements in the context of global challenges», February 28, 2024, Kazan. Publ. «Science and World», 2024. 413 p.

4. Melehin E.S., Kuzina E.S. Methodological approach to assessing lost profits and damage caused to subsoil as a result of their irrational use. Microeconomics. 2020;1(90):74–79.

5. Melekhin E.S. On the Problems of Rational Subsoil Use. Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and Management. 2023;4(183):49–52.

Investment and economic model of geological exploration in the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.76-80

The article proposes an investment and economic model for carrying out geological exploration of hydrocarbons on the territory of the Russian Federation. The expedient sequence of performing economic calculations implies the passage of the following stages. The author has developed a scheme of the investment and economic model of geological exploration. The stages of the implementation of the investment and economic model of exploration are described.


1. Bogatkina Yu.G., Eremin N.A., Sardanashvili O.N., Lyndin V.N. Economic assessment of the development of the Olkhovskoye deposit using various tax models in subsoil use. Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex. 2019;1(169):14-19. (In Russ.).

2. Melekhin E.S., Afonina I.A. Problems of geological, economic and cost assessment in subsoil use. Microeconomics. 2018;1:28-30. (In Russ.).

3. Melekhin E.S. Economic aspects of the formation of a system of rational subsoil use in modern conditions. Monograph. M.: Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkina, 2018. 147 p.

4. Melekhin E.S. Application of design management methods in subsoil use. Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex. 2021;2 (194):44-49. (In Russ.).

5. Sharf I.V., Mikhalchuk A.A., Filimonova I.V. Dynamic efficiency of reproductive processes in resource-extracting territories. News of Tomsk Polytechnic University. Georesources Engineering. 2019;330(10):102-110. (In Russ.).

The state of geological exploration in Russia at the present stage

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.110.2023.80-85

The article considers the economic and resource state of geological exploration in Russia. The problems faced by the exploration industry are noted. The ways of solving problems in the investment of exploration work due to the support of the state and the regulation of tax legislation are proposed.


1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation «On approval of the Strategy for the development of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation until 2035» dated December 22, 2018 No. 2914-r. – Access from the legal reference system «Garant».

2. The future of Russian exploration under sanctions. URL:

3. Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. URL:

4. The State Program of the Russian Federation «Reproduction and Use of Natural Resources» (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2021 No. 515).

5. Exploration: trends and prospects. URL: exploration_WEB.pdf

6. Rosgeo: exploration volumes did not decrease significantly in 2022. URL:

7. Rosnedra: Information on the implementation of geological exploration for January-June 2022 – form No. 2-gr. URL:

8. Agafonova A.S., Melekhin E.S. The effectiveness of the results of the subprogram «reproduction of the mineral resource base, geological study of the subsoil». Collection of students’ abstracts «Issues of economics and management of the oil and gas complex». M.: GRU oil and gas them. THEM. Gubkina, 2022, pp. 35-36. (In Russ.).

9. Melekhin E.S. Methodology of tax regulation of the use of hydrocarbon reserves. Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex. 2023;1 (217):18-23. (In Russ.).

10. Melekhin E.S., Panfilov E.I. Problems of rational use of the mineral resource base of hydrocarbons in Russia. Problems of economics and management of the oil and gas complex. 2022;6 (210):5-11. (In Russ.).