Author page: Konstantinova L.A.

Analysis of the level of information development of countries using applied tools

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.109.2023.34-47

The article discusses some aspects of the analysis of the level of information development of countries using digital development indices. A methodological approach to assessing the level of digitalization is proposed. The emphasis is placed on assessing the level and dynamics of indicators characterizing the technological development of countries in the field of digitalization, using the example of the international global communications index GCI, developed by Huawei. Within the framework of the study, the values of the GCI index, technological indicators of digitalization included in the GCI index, the rank of the country according to the GCI index and the values of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita for the period 2015-2020 were considered. An interactive information panel was developed to visually represent the dynamics of data and the implementation of comparative analysis. Russian software, the Loginom analytical platform, was used for data processing and analysis.


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