Author page: Kirshina I.A.

A conceptual approach to the formation of a natural gas energy consumption management strategy at an industrial enterprise

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.108.2023.23-28

At present, the direction of forming a strategy for managing the consumption of natural gas at an industrial enterprise is very relevant, since natural gas plays an important role in the fuel and energy balance and is a universal and environmentally friendly energy resource.

The authors’ research was based on a system analysis and synthesis of indicators of natural gas consumption by an industrial enterprise at the present stage of development. A conceptual approach to the formation of a strategy and management of natural gas consumption by an industrial enterprise is proposed, which allows evaluating the effectiveness of the formation of a natural gas consumption strategy, and makes it possible to consider not only the achieved technical and economic indicators and deviations from the planned ones, but also ways to eliminate these deviations.


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Analytical modeling of natural gas energy consumption and basic principles of the conceptual approach to strategic management at an industrial enterprise

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.105.2022.65-73

This study considers the analysis of modern conditions in the energy market, which currently objectively requires a fundamentally new strategic management of natural gas consumption at industrial enterprises. The existing strategy for the energy-efficient use of natural gas does not meet the current energy situation in the world and does not allow a comprehensive assessment of all the processes that take place at the enterprise, which in turn affects the environmental situation, the efficiency of the use of natural gas and the rational formation of the fuel and energy balance of an industrial enterprise. Systemic conceptual provisions are needed that would allow the fundamentally new implementation of strategic energy management at the enterprise, which would ensure sustainable economic growth of the industrial enterprise and environmental balance in the region.


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