Since January 2017, the cadastral valuation contestation is regulated both by new legislation and by the current provisions on the procedure for the cadastral value contesting. The property owners faced a dilemma: to pay and begin to dispute the cadastral valuation or to pay and forget about the tax until next year, when it will grow again. Or maybe sell the property at all? Due to high percentage of errors in determining the cadastral value, today there are a lot of precedents for cadastral value contesting in the courts. General Director of the Berkshire Advisory Group, expert of the Working Body on Methodological Support and Expertise under the Valuation Council of the Russian Ministry for Economic Development, as well as the Working Body for Protection of Rights and Legal Interests of Appraisers and the SROA (self-regulatory organization of appraisers) under Valuation Council of the Ministry for Economic Development of Russia Irina Vishnevskaya in her interview with the “ES” correspondent Larisa Polkovnikova helped to understand the bulk of news on the process that affects the interests of each property owner and told about the practice and peculiarities of the Cadastral value contestation.
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