Author page: Irina Korostyleva

Dominance of National Systems of Higher Education


The theory of economic dominance in a multilevel economy, developed by Blokhin A.A. and Lomakin-Rumyantsev I.V., has been actively tested by researches on different markets since 2019 — the distribution of players in the markets allows to formulate different strategies for their development. This article is a development of studies devoted to the study of competition in the education market and presents the result of economic dominance of national higher education systems in the international market. This research aims to analyze the subject areas of social sciences and management, for further identifying dominance in the QS ranking.

The sample consists of 58 QS subject rankings for 2018–2021. The main instrument is the SV-matrix (strength/variety). The analysis outlines areas of subject ratings where there is dominance of national educational systems and characterizes its level. In addition, an interpretation of the situation when constructing the SV matrix, where Lind index shows boundary values when determining dominant group size. The SV matrix gives valid results and allows both qualitatively and quantitatively assessing the positions of countries in educational rankings. Analysis using SV-matrix made it possible to identify 8 out of 15 subject areas, in which there is clear dominance and determined positions of Russian universities relative to the dominant group. The hypothesis of United States presence in the dominant group in most areas of social sciences and management was confirmed, however, several subjects were defined, where the higher education system of anther countries were in the lead. The scientific novelty of this study lies in the proposal and testing of a method for assessing the level of dominance of national educational systems in the international education market. The SV matrix allows to analyze the positions of different countries in the international educational space, both in dynamics and in statics (to assess the level of competitiveness of national educational systems); to understand theoretically the level of differentiation of national educational systems in certain subject ratings; to assess the concentration (barriers to enter the rating) and the strength of competition (how strongly the players differ) of subject areas.


1. Kireeva N., Slepenkova E., Shipunova T., Iskandaryan R. Competitiveness of Higher Education Institutions and Academic Entrepreneurship. Espacios, 2018, no 23, pp. 15–25.

2. Nefedova A.I. Masshtaby, struktura i tseli eksporta rossiiskogo vysshego obrazovaniya [Scales, Structure and Reason for Export of Russian Higher Education].

Mir Rossii. Sotsiologiya. Etnologiya, 2017, no 2, pp. 154–174.

3. Vorob’eva E.S., Krakovetskaya I.V. Prodvizhenie rossiiskikh vuzov v mirovye reitingi konkurentosposobnosti: tsel’ blizka? [Promoting Russian Universities in the World Ratings of Competitiveness: is the Goal in Sight?]. Kreativnaya ekonomika, 2017, no 5, pp. 521–552.

The Cradle of Life will Become the “Pasture„ of “Unicorns„


The era of digital reorganisation will engender transformation of the world economy, largely determining the vector of civilizational development. Despite the losses of the 20th century, Russia, having the potential of fundamental science and resource self-sufficiency, is still among the few countries capable of leadership in changing conditions. Post-COVID economy has only accelerated the transformation process, generating thrust for the rapid growth of “unicorns”, mainly in the markets of platform and ecosystem solutions. Russia may become the “homeland” of such “unicorns”, and their scaling will provide the growing consumer market of Africa, which is a favourable territory for development and localization of scaling of science-intensive exports that can ensure the well-being of national economies.


1. Mirovaya geografiya kompanii-edinorogov [Global Geography of Unicorn Companies]. Nauka, tekhnologii, innovatsii, 2021, September, 24, available at:

2. United Nations e-Government Survey 2018. United Nations, 2018, available at:

3. Rossiya stala odnim iz mirovykh liderov po urovnyu proniknoveniya fintekh-uslug [Russia has Become One of the World Leaders in Terms of Fintech Services Penetration]. EY, available at:

4. Pri Mishustine nalogovoe vedomstvo Rossii stalo odnim iz luchshikh v mire [Under Mishustin, the Tax Department of Russia has Become One of the Best in the World]. Federal’noe agentstvo novostei, available at:

5. African Economic Outlook 2021. African Development Bank Group, available at:

6. Sammit “Rossiya — Afrika” [Russia-Africa Summit]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Prezidenta RF, available at:

7. From magazine: African air cargo market bucks global trend. Logistics update Africa, available at:

Changing Elements of the Personnel Management System in the Conditions of Organizations Digital Transformation

#2. Breakthrough Betting
Changing Elements of the Personnel Management System in the Conditions of Organizations Digital Transformation

The article publishes research results of the strategic behavior of modern organizations in the field of human resources management in terms of digitalization. The study sample — 250 companies from the Forbes list in 2008. The annual reports data of organizations in the selected years was used as the main research material. Within the study framework, it is hypothesized that in conditions of digitalization substantial shifts occur in the systems of strategic HR management of organizations.

Digital Organizations: Trends and Development Prospects in the Future

#6. For the High Norm
Digital Organizations: Trends and Development Prospects in the Future

Most of the business conferences today are organized around the theme “How we realized the importance of Big Data and became the most successful in our market”. It is safe to say that since 2015, the business has been covered by a wave of so-called hype about digital technologies, and those who create these technologies have taken dominant positions in the economy structure. If we take the Fortune-100 list for the 1960s, we’ll find that about 80% of the companies on this list have ceased to exist, and one of the reasons for this is denying inevitability of digitalization.

Human Resources Management Trends

#5. Longstanding Generation
Human Resources Management Trends

The article examines the impact of digital on human resources management, and its strategic component on the basis of the positions of leading experts in recent years. The content characteristics of a new generation of employees are given that determine the context of such topical areas of HR activities as motivation, recruiting, leadership. Conclusions are made about a meaningful change in the HR management activities, author also reveals some problems and prospects for using Big Data in HR.

National University of Singapore: Towards Entrepreneurial University

#1. Theodicy of the Future
National University of Singapore: Towards Entrepreneurial University

The article deals with transformation of the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the entrepreneurial university, international educational and innovation hub, capable to generate 8% of Singapore GDP, to be the third patent holder in the country, to create more than 250 patents annually. The authors analyze the activities of the university innovative infrastructure objects, as well as innovative physical, financial and service infrastructure of the University. Article materials are interesting not only for researchers, but are also of practical interest, they will be useful both for managers of higher education institutions and for a wide range of academic researchers studying the topics of academic entrepreneurship.

From Idea to Innovation Product: the Path Within Innovative Infrastructure of a Business University

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
From Idea to Innovation Product: the Path Within Innovative Infrastructure of a Business University

The article focuses on the transformation of the Russian higher education system to meet the latest market economy demands and to develop the efficient interaction with the business community. Universities are integrating into existing production chains and new markets. Leading Russian universities are being transformed into innovation hubs, playing the role of integrators in scientific and technical processes, developing efficient mechanisms of technology transfer, they are able to form new educational programs that meet the latest demands of the knowledge society. Nationally oriented system of higher education based on traditional values and meeting institutional requirements of the country’s ecosystem, should become an important factor of Russia’s stable development.

The Relationship of Industry and Science in France by the Example of the École Polytechnique

#3. TARGET'S Issue
The Relationship of Industry and Science in France by the Example of the École Polytechnique

The paper investigated the current state of innovation system in France. By the example of the Higher School of Engineering École Polytechnique it considers formation of technology transfer center as a link between university innovation activity and entrepreneurial activity of major national corporations in France. The article examines principles of interaction between the major players of the university innovation system and their role in supporting small innovative companies formed as a result of the university innovative activity.

Innovation Commercialization in Israel by the Example of the Weizmann Institute

#8. Some Time in Petrograd...
Innovation Commercialization in Israel by the Example of the Weizmann Institute

The article deals with the current state of innovation system in Israel. The article presents approaches of the Israeli innovation system major players to the issue of technology transfer and innovation support. The paper considers the Israeli government policy aimed at the innovations commercialization support by the example of the Weizmann Institute.