Author page: Ilkovskiy K.K.

The mechanism of implementation of projects for the modernization of local energy systems within the framework of corporate social responsibility of mining enterprises of the Far North

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.81-93

The authors analyzed the features of the functioning of diesel power plants in the decentralized regions of Yakutia and justified the need for their modernization using energy storage systems that optimize operating modes and reduce fuel consumption. A model of multilateral partnership is proposed, which includes three key elements: a Coordinating Council, a Project office and a Public Supervisory Board. A comprehensive system of socio-economic criteria for the selection of projects has been developed. The financial mechanism based on the creation of the energy development fund of the Far North, formed at the expense of contributions from mining enterprises and co-financing from regional authorities, is presented. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the development of a mechanism for integrating projects for the modernization of local energy systems into the structure of corporate social responsibility strategies of extractive enterprises, which ensures sustainable financing and implementation of projects. The results of the study can be used in the implementation of energy projects in other regions.


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Analysis of the prospects of using hydrogen as a fuel for generating electricity in the Far East

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.31-39

Today, due to the reorientation of the foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation to the countries of the East and the Asia-Pacific region, the Far East is one of the fastest growing regions. The growth of the region’s economy is closely linked to an increase in energy consumption. In the conditions of moral and physical deterioration of the generating equipment of the Far East, the question of ways to increase the efficiency of coal-fired power plants in the region is acute.


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