Author page: Gerasimenko I.I.

Identification, identification of falsification and counterfeiting as tools to ensure the economic security of production and trade by the 43rd commodity group of the EAEU customs code of foreign economic activity

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.120.2025.56-73

This article examines the organizational and economic aspects of identification, identification of falsification and counterfeiting as tools to ensure the economic security of production and trade of 43 commodity groups of the EAEU Customs Union (fur goods) in modern conditions. An analysis of the current situation shows that ensuring the economic security of the fur trade is not balanced in the Russian Federation and the state may lose the furring skills of industry operators, as well as the technological culture of manufacturing and wearing natural furs.

The state needs to create further conditions for the development of the domestic fur industry, ensuring economic security, countering low-quality counterfeit imports of fur products, which unscrupulous sellers sell, posing as Russian goods, and introduce protectionist measures to protect and support Russian producers.


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