Author page: Filatov V.V.

Image consulting in various sectors of the economy and fields of activity

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.15-28

The article examines image consulting in various sectors of the economy and areas of activity in modern socio-economic conditions. It is shown that the volume of the Russian management consulting market, according to various expert estimates, in 2021 amounted to about 50–60 billion rubles, by the end of 2022 it was reduced by almost half. One of the main problems of the Russian management consulting market at the end of 2023 is the loss of qualified personnel and the almost complete destruction of their reproduction system. The Russian management consulting market at the end of 2023 has undergone significant structural transformations: the names and number of key players, pricing policy and client priorities have changed.

The state and prospects for the development of various subjects of consulting services in Russia are analyzed using the example of three successful industry cases of image consulting from various industries and fields of activity: PJSC Sber-Bank, the cellular operator Beeline and the catering enterprise Zernyshko Coffee House. It was shown that the main problem for the considered organizations is the choice of an image consultant, and recommendations were given to solve this problem.


1. Abramova P.V., Ishchenko I.G. Consulting as a tool to increase the investment attractiveness of franchising projects. In the collection: Current management issues. Edited by S.V. Taktarova, G.N. Tuguskina, 2020. pp. 26-30.

2. Akoff R. Planning the future of the corporation. Progress, 2018.

3. Aleshnikova V.I. Using the services of professional consultants, INFRA-M, 2020.

4. Aleshnikova V.I. New realities of the international and Russian management consulting market. In the book: Marketing and Infrastructure projects. Monograph. Moscow, 2023. pp. 190-199.

5. Alferova E.S. Management consulting in Russia. In the collection: Public and administrative management in Russia: history and modernity, digitalization, innovation, intelligence. A youth’s view, 2020. pp. 202-205.

6. Marinko G.I. Managerial consulting. INFA–M, 2021.

7. A joint project of the Russian Federation and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Assistance in improving the level of financial literacy of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation. Financial literacy and mass information: A reference guide. Moscow, 2017. 454 p.

8. Galina E.A. Consulting as a tool to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise. In the collection: Current management issues. Edited by S.V. Taktarova, G.N. Tuguskina, 2020. pp. 48-51.

9. Dolya N.G., Shulika E.N. Development of management consulting in Russia. Economics and society. 2016;5-1(24):587-589. (In Russ.).

10. Zaripova L.A. Management consulting as an objective necessity for the development of an organization. In the collection: Student science – agricultural production. Materials of the 81st student (regional) scientific conference. Kazan, 2023. pp. 200-209.

Organizational and economic aspects of the customs examination of the commodity group 0902 of the customs code of the EAEU

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.115.2024.62-74

The organizational and economic aspects of customs examination of commodity group 0902 of the EAEU TN FEA in modern conditions are considered. Features of the classification of tea and products made from it (commodity group 0902 of the EAEU HS) include the possibility of classifying a drink with the trade name «tea» to other groups of the HS. It is shown that the main data for correctly determining the HS code of a drink with the trade name «tea» are the degree of fermentation, composition and type, weight of packaging and purpose of the product. It has been established that in order to effectively identify tea and reduce the risk of erroneous classification under the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, it is necessary to improve existing identification technologies and regulatory documents for tea classification. It is substantiated that organizational and economic measures taken by the state to support the tea industry bring appropriate results, but complete import substitution of a drink with the trade name «tea» is practically impossible. Only partial import substitution is acceptable – this is the active development of the Russian industry for the production of fireweed (angustifolia fireweed).


1. Bezpalov V.V., Filatov V.V., Zharikov R.V., Karev M.V. Features of customs regulation of imports of food and processing industry goods imported into the territory of the Russian Federation. Applied economic research. 2023;1:8–18. (In Russ.).

2. Alekseeva E.V. Ivan-narrow-leaved tea, a forgotten miracle of nature. Problems of the environment and natural resources. 2020;7:163–167. (In Russ.).

3. Babkina N.A. Commodity science, expertise in customs and commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity. Amur State University, Blagoveshchensk. 2017. 230 p. (In Russ.).

4. Bikbulatova E., Plotnikova N.A. «Koporsky» fermented tea from the leaves of willow-leaved tea and Canadian maple. In the collection: Ecology and nature management: applied aspects. VI International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2016. pp. 63–65. (In Russ.).

5. Vaitekhovich A.A. The conjuncture of the tea market on a global scale. In the collection: Organizational and legal support of the management mechanism in the field of agribusiness. 2019. pp. 159–161. (In Russ.).

6. Vorontsov P.A., Dzik L.R., Zemlyakova E.S. Studies of black tea of different brands and assessment of its quality. Bulletin of Youth Science. 2021;5 (32). (In Russ.).

7. Gamidullaev S.N., Nikolaeva S.L., Zakharenko T.A., Simonova V.N. Commodity science and expertise in customs. St. Petersburg: Troitsky Bridge, 2010. 400 p. (In Russ.).

8. Dengina Yu.V., Tyulkina A.A., Darovskikh L.V. Research of some indicators of tea quality from different manufacturers. In the collection: Biodiagnostics of the state of natural and man-made systems. Materials of the XIV All-Russian scientific and Practical conference with international participation. 2016. pp. 375–378. (In Russ.).

Industry aspects of pricing, segmentation and competition in the Russian market of digital VoD services

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.114.2024.55-67

This article examines the sectoral aspects of pricing, segmentation and competition in the Russian market of digital VoD services in modern socio-economic conditions. Various pricing models (video monetization) are considered in order to create a successful video business based on loyal viewers based on three main formats: SVoD, TVoD and AVoD. It is shown that the Russian streaming platform market has been gaining popularity in recent years and grew by 44% in 2023 compared to 2022 year.

The Russian online platforms that produce or plan to produce their own video content and those who have not yet started filming, but have expressed a desire to produce their own content, are analyzed. The partnerships of online cinemas with ecosystems, telecom operators and other service companies are considered.

It is shown that over the past year and a half, Russia has demonstrated a serious breakthrough in creating an alternative to the most popular Western video hosting.  Rutube has already begun to support a load of 50 million people and has successfully survived a number of digital platform upgrades.


1. Antonova V.G., Eliseeva Yu.A. OTT video services market in Russia: current state and development prospects. St. Petersburg Economic Journal. 2022;1-2:61-66. (In Russ.).

2. Asadullina A.V., Novikova M.Yu. Features of the development of digital streaming services in the world. In the book: Sixth International Conference “Business Management in the Digital Economy”. Collection of abstracts of speeches. Under the general editorship of I.A. Arenkova and M.K. Tsenzharik. St. Petersburg, 2023. pp. 112-118. (In Russ.).

3. Belousov G.D. Managing movie streaming platforms during the coronavirus period. Innovation and investment. 2020;10:141-145. (In Russ.).

4. Vatolkina N.Sh., Smirnova K.V. Comparative analysis of consumer value propositions in the OTT services market. Technical and technological problems of the service. 2020;2(52):89-94. (In Russ.).

5. Voloshkina D.S. Streaming services: essence and specifics. In the collection: Journalism, mass communications and media: the view of young researchers. Belgorod, 2021. pp. 79-83. (In Russ.).

6. Dubiv M.V. Television viewing in the context of digitalization of the media landscape. In the collection: Week of Science and Creativity – 2020. Materials of the International Scientific and Practical Forum of Students, Postgraduate Students and Young Scientists. St. Petersburg, 2020. pp. 100-104. (In Russ.).

7. Efimov I.P., Efimov P.P., Ryndina S.V. Business processes for managing digital platforms for viewing video content. Bulletin of Penza State University. 2022;1(37):61-66. (In Russ.).

8. Ivanova N.I., Kranina Z.V. Russian market of online video services: current state and prospects. Innovation. The science. Education. 2021;37:230-235. (In Russ.).

9. Krivoshapkina Ya.V. Trends in the development of advertising media. In the collection: Modern trends and problems of science in the development of digital and innovative technologies. Krasnodar, 2023. pp. 252-258. (In Russ.).

Protection of patent law, industrial property and information databases based on international agreements in various sectors of the economy

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.113.2023.55-70

The organizational and economic aspects of the protection of patent law, industrial property and information databases on the basis of international agreements in modern socio-economic conditions are considered. It is shown that in the modern world, copyright involuntarily is a factor «slowing down» the development of knowledge-intensive industries. In turn, the modern Russian patent system is in dire need of reform – as the popular press, scientists, lawyers, judges and ombudsmen say.

The authors conclude that protecting patents as property rights can improve socially constructive coordination that facilitates the complex process of commercializing innovations, thereby improving both access and competition. On the contrary, avoidance of industrial property may facilitate socially destructive coordination between large players using anti-competitive collusion strategies.


1. Bachurin A.P., Filatov V.V., Zhenzhebir V.N., Diarov A.A., Gaidarenko L.V. Management of the regulatory framework for the use of trademarks for licensed products. Economic problems. 2010;4-38:10-14. (In Russ.).

2. Digilina O.B., Sazanov S.D., Teslenko I.B. Intellectual property and innovation: theoretical aspect. Quality. Innovation. Education. 2009;10 (53):14-16. (In Russ.).

3. Zhenzhebir V.N., Galitsky Yu.A. Information retrieval in patent research. In: Modern information technologies in education, science and industry. Sat. proceedings of the V International Competition of Scientific and Scientific Methodological Works of the III Competition of the Scientific School Community. Editor and compiler T.V. Piryazeva, 2017. pp. 36-40. (In Russ.).

4. Basic provisions of the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (1886). URL:

5. Rukina I.M., Filatov V.V. Intellectual capital as an innovative resource of the knowledge economy. University Bulletin. 2012;18:182-193. (In Russ.).

6. Stasyuk K.D., Filatov V.V. International registration of trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). In the collection: Collection of scientific papers of the International scientific conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the birth of prof. A.P. Zhikhareva. Collection of scientific papers. Moscow, 2023. pp. 271-276. (In Russ.).

7. Teslenko I.B., Kovalenko S.Yu., Savelyev I.I., Nauchigin K.M. Intellectual capital and innovative development of the region. Monograph. Vladimir, 2014. 192 p. (In Russ.).

8. Filatov V.V. Conceptual issues of enhancing innovation activity in the Russian Federation. Monograph. Moscow, 2013. 60 p. (In Russ.).

9. Baldwin P. The Copyright Wars: Three Centuries of Trans-Atlantic Battle. Princeton University Press. 2016. p. 15.

10. Companies file infringement suits, Focus on Catalysts. 2010;9:2-3.

11. Himmelstein D.S., Romero A.R., McLaughlin S.R., Tzovaras B.G., Greene C.S. Sci-Hub provides access to nearly all scholarly literature. PeerJ Preprints, 2017.

Implementation of the kaizen methodology in a manufacturing company that occupies a leading position in the regional commodity market

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.112.2023.57-71

The introduction of the kaizen methodology in a manufacturing company that occupies a leading position in the commodity market of the Moscow region. One of the most striking examples of the use of Japanese management principles in Russian conditions is the confectionery company Bolshevik JSC, where the development of the concept of the system of organization and rationalization of the workspace (5S) and universal equipment maintenance (TPM), which are the main elements of the concept of introducing employees to Kaizen thinking, allowed to increase the competitiveness of the company on the regional market, reduce costs associated with downtime and equipment shutdowns, improve the quality of labor resources, i.e. to grow competent equipment specialists, as well as to interest both operators and repairmen in the maintenance and improvement of technological equipment. Shows that the company «Bolshevik» has created such a type of equipment maintenance system, in which the main functions are transferred to the operators of technological equipment.
Describing the results of the implementation of the basic elements of the Kaizen concept, we can say that there were no serious difficulties in implementing the basic elements of the Kaizen concept in Bolshevik JSC, but at the initial stage there was a lack of interest on the part of employees. As soon as the first results appeared, production interest began to grow. The average order time for components has decreased by 30%, production discipline has improved (for example, since the introduction of the kaizen policy, no warehouse worker has been late), equipment downtime at the Bolshevik confectionery factory has decreased by 9% over the past year alone.


1. Atamanyuk O.Ya., Matushevskaya E.A. Features of property and capital valuation on the example of a confectionery factory. In the collection: Economics and the banking system: theory and practice. Materials of the correspondence international scientific and practical conference. Dagestan State University; North Caucasus Federal University; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. 2016. pp. 54-60.
2. Breshina A.V., Filatov V.V. Application of the kaizen system in the production management of the multinational corporation NESTLE. In the collection: Innovative development of machinery and technologies in industry (INTEX-2021). Collection of materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference of young researchers with international participation. Moscow, 2021. pp. 26-30.
3. Grachev N.S., Logunova N.Yu. Process as one of the main values in the philosophy of Kaizen in the food industry. In the collection: Theory and practice of expertise, technical regulation and conformity assessment of products. Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the Round Table with international participation. Moscow, 2021. pp. 47-50.
4. Grachev N.S., Lyubina O.N. Process as one of the main values in the philosophy of Kaizen. In the collection: Economy today: current state and prospects of development (Vector-2021). Collection of materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference of young researchers with international participation. Moscow, 2021. pp. 117-120.
5. Zhukova A.A. Problems of practical application of the kaizen concept for business process reengineering. Student. 2020;21-3 (107):63-65. (In Russ.).
6. Imai Masaaki. Gemba kaizen. Guide to the book / Ser. Vol. 10 Library of the General Director: BGD. The series «School of Modern Business». Moscow, 2010.
7. Lukashevich A.I., Logunova N.Yu. Assessment of the degree of personnel involvement in the use of the Kaizen system at food industry enterprises. In the collection: Theory and practice of expertise, technical regulation and conformity assessment of products. Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the Round Table with international participation. Moscow, 2021. pp. 67-73.
8. Lukashevich A.I., Minaichenkova E.I., Filatov V.V. Application of the Kaizen system in the implementation of the national project «Housing and urban environment». In the collection: Economy today: current state and prospects of development (Vector-2021). Collection of materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference of young researchers with international participation. Moscow, 2021. pp. 34-38.
9. Mikoyan L.V. Development of a strategy for the development of a confectionery factory. In the book: Science Week 2020. Collection of abstracts in two parts. Rostov-on-Don, 2020. pp. 214-217.
10. Mikoyan L.V., Orlova V.G. Marketing analysis of confectionery factory products. In the collection: Technologies of marketing, brand management and advertising. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and practical Conference. State University of Management. Moscow, 2019. pp. 55-57.
11. Mikoyan L.V., Orlova V.G. Strategic analysis of the activity of the confectionery factory. In the collection: Problems of automation. regional management. communication and automation (SAILS-2019). Proceedings of the VIII All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists, postgraduates and students. Proceedings of the VIII All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists, Postgraduates and students, In two volumes. 2019. pp. 85-92.
12. Naumova R.E. Features of cost optimization for the production of confectionery factory products. In the collection: Accounting, analysis and audit: current state and prospects of development. materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Ural State University of Economics. Yekaterinburg, 2021. pp. 150-152.
13. Naumova R.E. Features of cost analysis at a confectionery factory. In the collection: Actual problems of accounting, analysis and audit. Materials of the XIII All-Russian Youth Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation. Kursk, 2021. pp. 315-319.
14. Nemtsov D.V. The subject stages of the introduction of the Kaizen concept. Management of economic systems. 2020;1 (29):17-20. (In Russ.).
15. Ouchi U.G. Methods of production organization: Japanese and American approaches. M.: Economics, 1993. p. 18.
16. Penkina Yu.I., Kalinin Yu.S. Development of a program plan for mandatory preliminary events at a confectionery factory. Research and development of young scientists. 2016;15:70-73. (In Russ.).
17. Perlov M.S. «Kaizen» – continuous improvement. Design bureau. 2020;1: 75-79. (In Russ.).
18. Porotnikova M.G. Ways to increase the profitability of a confectionery factory. In the collection: The best student article 2018. collection of articles of the XVIII International Research Competition. In 2 parts. Responsible editor G.Y. Gulyaev. 2018. pp. 61-63.
19. Sidorov P.A. Marketing activity as an important factor in the development of a confectionery factory in modern conditions. In the collection: Topical issues of interaction between education, science and business. Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2018. pp. 237-250.
20. Simonova V.A., Filatov V.V., Bezpalov V.V., Gorin D.S. Analysis of the economic efficiency of assets of industrial enterprises of the industrial complex of urban economy for the purposes of their owners. Municipal Academy. 2022;2:130-136. (In Russ.).
21. Slobodyanyuk A.A., Filatov V.V. Application of the kaizen system at tobacco manufacturing enterprises. In the collection: Theory and practice of expertise, technical regulation and conformity assessment of products. Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the Round Table with international participation. Moscow, 2021. pp. 101-104.
22. Stukov S.P., Elagina V.B. The Kaizen system: fundamentals, advantages and possibilities of introduction in Russian companies. Bulletin of the Magistracy. 2018;1-3 (76):77-79. (in Russ.).
23. Tikhonov N.E., Andreasyan G.M. What is kaizen? The five rules of kaizen. Economics and society. 2021;11-2 (90):439-442. (In Russ.).
24. Management of a confectionery factory. Baking/ Confectionery sphere. 2015;3 (60):26-28. (In Russ.).
25. Filatov V.V., Politova R.V., Pershukova S.A., Sklyarenko R.P., Korabelnikova A.A. Modern approaches to change management in the state program of the city of Moscow «Development of the cultural and tourist environment and preservation of cultural heritage» based on Kaizen technology. Municipal Academy. 2021;3:23-30. (In Russ.).

Analysis of the corporate governance system of the Russian state holding company of the nuclear industry

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.111.2023.56-68

On the basis of transactional analysis, the model of interdependence of the three main categories of corporate governance of Rosatom Group is considered.  Having analyzed the management structures of the joint-stock company and taking into account the desire of Rosatom Group to maximize shareholder profits, we believe that Rosatom Group was created in accordance with the Anglo-Saxon model of corporate governance. One of the problems of corporate governance is that the company’s principles enshrined in the Code of Business Conduct and Business Ethics of Rosatom State Corporation lack an element of innovation, and the company’s mission poorly reflects it, despite the “innovative development program”. The problem of mismatch of principles in such a large corporation as Rosatom, of course, at some point may have a negative impact on the internal environment. It is proposed, in order to optimize corporate governance processes and accelerate managerial decision-making, to reproduce a comprehensive automated database on the corporate ownership structure of Rosatom Group organizations in the nuclear industry.


1. Astakhov V.V. Key factors of increasing the competitiveness of a knowledge-intensive enterprise in the nuclear industry. Problems of management theory and practice. 2019;5:59-67. (In Russ.).

2. Bezpalov V.V., Sizova D.A. Ensuring economic security of the energy sector under restrictions. Industry: economics, management, technology. 2022;1(3-4 (3)): 45-58. (In Russ.).

3. Boyko A.A. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the global state of the nuclear industry in the long term and the prospects of Rosatom State Corporation. Geoeconomics of energy. 2021;13(1):88-99. (In Russ.).

4. Boyko A.N. Rosatom State Corporation: assessment of strategic choice in the context of the results of activities. Management and business administration. 2022;3:71-84. (In Russ.).

5. Dubrova M.V. Financial statements of state corporations as an aggregator of financial transactions on the example of GC Rosatom. Financial life. 2022;2:121-128. (In Russ.).

6. Zakharova E.A. Comparative analysis of target ERP systems on the example of Rosatom State Corporation systems. Bulletin of the Central Russian University Educational Consortium. Information technology. 2022;2(20):56-60. (In Russ.).

7. Kalin D.I. Assessment of the competitiveness of Rosatom State Corporation in the field of innovation. Beneficiary. 2018;23:32-37. (In Russ.).

8. Klimovsky V.V., Semenova A.G. The influence of personnel motivation on the efficiency of the enterprise (on the example of Rosatom State Corporation). Internauka. 2020;1-1 (130):81-83. (In Russ.).

9. Kondratova K.S. Features of the organization and economic activity of state corporations in the Russian Federation (for example, Rosatom State Corporation, Rusnano State Corporation and others). Forum of Young Scientists. 2018;12-2 (28):1060-1066. (In Russ.).

10. Letaeva T.V. Legal aspects of corporate social responsibility of Rosatom State Corporation. Law and order: history, theory, practice. 2014;2 (3):161-166. (In Russ.).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the financial management system of the largest confectionery company in the commodity market of the Moscow region

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.110.2023.37-49

An assessment of the financial potential and corporate asset management policy of the leading manufacturing company in the commodity market of the Moscow region – JSC «Bolshevik» was carried out. It is determined that the company is not financially stable. It is recommended to change the current liabilities management policy from aggressive to moderate in order to improve the financial position of the corporation, increase its stability and solvency.


1. Atamanyuk O.Ya., Matushevskaya E.A. Features of property and capital valuation on the example of a confectionery factory. In the collection: Economics and the banking system: theory and practice. Materials of the correspondence international scientific and practical conference. Dagestan State University; North Caucasus Federal University; Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. 2016. pp. 54-60.

2. Belchuk E.V., Marien L.S. Industry of Russia: regional features of development at the macro and meso levels. In the collection: Issues of economics and management at the present stage of development. Collection of scientific articles on the results of the All-Russian Conference. Edited by I.E. Belskikh. 2015. pp. 14-17.

3. Documentary history of JSC «Bolshevik». Past, present, future. Gl. ed. by E. Stupakov. Monograph, Publishing House: Newsmakers, Moscow, 2006.

4. Mikoyan L.V. Development of a strategy for the development of a confectionery factory. In the book: Science Week 2020. Collection of abstracts in two parts. Rostov-on-Don, 2020. pp. 214-217.

5. Mikoyan L.V., Orlova V.G. Marketing analysis of confectionery factory products. In the collection: Technologies of marketing, brand management and advertising. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and practical Conference. State University of Management. Moscow, 2019. pp. 55-57.

6. Mikoyan L.V., Orlova V.G. Strategic analysis of the activity of the confectionery factory. In the collection: Problems of automation. regional management. communication and automation (SAILS-2019). Proceedings of the VIII All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists, postgraduates and students. Proceedings of the VIII All-Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists, Postgraduates and students, In two volumes. 2019. pp. 85-92.

7. Naumova R.E. Features of cost optimization for the production of confectionery factory products. In the collection: Accounting, analysis and audit: current state and prospects of development. materials of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference. Ural State University of Economics. Yekaterinburg, 2021. pp. 150-152.

8. Naumova R.E. Features of cost analysis at a confectionery factory. In the collection: Actual problems of accounting, analysis and audit. Materials of the XIII All-Russian Youth Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation. Kursk, 2021. pp. 315-319.

9. Penkina Yu.I., Kalinin Yu.S. Development of a program plan for mandatory preliminary events at a confectionery factory. Research and development of young scientists. 2016;15:70-73. (In Russ.).

Principles of corporate ethics of managers of industrial and service enterprises

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.109.2023.82-92

The article explores different approaches to the term “sustainability” existing in academic literature and used in practice. It describes three methods – two well-known ones and another one developed by the authors – used for quantitative assessment of the degree of economic and financial sustainability in regions. The regions include four Russian federal subjects in the Russian Arctic and three macroregions that include the aforesaid regions. The indicators used for the assessment are grouped by the following aspects: relevance to national projects, type of assessment scale, internal or external economic factors, and income or spending in a consolidated regional budget. The article explores and draws a distinction between the influence of external factors – indicators of the demographic and natural environments – on the economic sustainability of an area.  A comparative analysis is done for three Russian macroregions and four Arctic regions by degree of economic and financial sustainability. The regions and macroregions are ranked based on the results of the comparative analysis using the selected indicators. The ranking helps identify potential strategic vectors and their succession as well as criteria for improvement of economic sustainability in the Russian Arctic.


1. Babkin N., Bespalova S., Senetskaya L., Skotarenko O. Tools for digitalization of economic processes for supporting management decision-making in the Arctic region // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019. Volume 302 Issue 1. 6 August. No 012147.

2. Bykovskaia E., Maiurova A., Kustikova M., Timofeeva I., Tyurikova E.  Assessment of the environmental risks in the development of fossil fuels deposits in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 723. Issue 5. 12 April 2021.

3. Bulletin of current trends in Russian economy, Retrieved, 2020. URL:

4. Kozin M., Plotnikov V., Skotarenko O. Assessment of challenges, threats, and prospects in development of cities and towns in the Arctic zone // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 302 Issue 1. 6 August No 012103.

5. Concept of Sustainable Development in Countries United Nation Conference on Environment and Development, 1993.  New York. Vol. 1-3. URL:

6. Towards a Global Pact for the Environment of 10 May 2018: Resolution A / 72 / L.51. URL:

7. National Projects: expectations, results, and prospects. 28.07.2020 Ekspert RA Rating Agency. URL:

8. On national development goals in the Russian Federation until 2030:  Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 21 June 2020 No 474. URL:

9. On Land Territories in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2 May 2016 No. 296 // Collected Laws of the RF 05.05.2014 No18 Part I Art. 2136.

Organizational, economic and technological aspects of processing solid household waste into electricity in the leading countries of the European Union

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.108.2023.74-84

This article discusses the organizational, economic and technological aspects of the processing of MSW into electricity in the leading EU countries under economic sanctions. The issues of using and applying foreign, in particular German experience in the field of state incentives for companies to use renewable energy sources in the energy sector and the processing of municipal solid waste were considered. It has been established that over the past three decades, the consumption of brown coal in the fuel and energy complex of Germany has decreased from 21 to 8%, hard coal from 15 to 8%, and the use of nuclear energy has decreased from 11 to 6%, while gas consumption has increased from 11 to 25%. It has been revealed that over the past few years Germany has been the leader in the EU in terms of MSW recycling and the share of waste return to the economic turnover in Germany is 66%, while in the EU countries this figure does not exceed 46% on average. In particular, in Germany, electronic industry waste is 100% recycled, and waste paper, cardboard and glass are recycled by more than 85%. The German technology of MSW processing is analyzed, which allows the most efficient use of organic waste for the production of renewable energy sources, including biogas and fertilizers for agriculture.


1. Alekseev A.E., Novitsky I.Yu., Zhenzhebir V.N., Pshava T.S., Shestov A.V. International globalization and transformation of the concept of energy security. Online journal of Science Studies. 2015;7(6(31)):2. (In Russ).

2. Alekseev A.E., Novitsky I.Yu., Zhenzhebir V.N., Pshava T.S., Dadugin M.V. Energy security in the European Union: problems of «dependence» and development. Online journal of Science Studies. 2015;7(6 (31)):3. (In Russ).

3. Bondarenko A.M., Kachanova L.S., Chelbin S.M. Technological bases of the production process of humic organomineral fertilizers. Far Eastern Agrarian Bulletin. 2022;16(4):93-99. (In Russ).

4. Bondarenko A.M., Kachanova L.S., Baryshnikov A.V. Determination of technological and design parameters of a brush auger for processing liquid manure as part of a mobile installation. International Agricultural Journal. 2022;65(3). (In Russ).

5. Vukovich N.A., Polyanskaya O.A. Bioenergy as a driver of green economy development in Russia. Beneficiary. 2020;4 (37):4-10. (In Russ).

6. Gromova O.N., Papoyan A.N. Experience of organization of solid household waste management abroad. Journal of Management Studies. 2019;5(2):3-6. (In Russ).

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8. Golovanov V.I., Kirnarskaya S.V., Anfimova A.Yu. Prospects for the implementation of programs for the collection and processing of household waste. In the collection: Strategic directions in the regions: ecological, economic and social aspects. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Editor-in-chief: A.V. Antonov, 2019. pp. 180-189.

State programs and projects to stimulate the leading EU companies for the use of renewable energy sources, hydrogen and recycling of municipal solid waste

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.108.2023.52-60

This article provides an analytical review of government programs and incentive projects for leading EU companies in the use of renewable energy sources (RES), hydrogen and recycling of municipal solid waste (MSW) under economic sanctions. It has been established that the federal government of Germany, as the leading EU country, as part of stimulating the use of renewable energy, has launched a series of public and public-private (with the involvement of large investors) projects and financing programs that are aimed at private households, as well as municipalities and companies. The 7 largest projects and programs for the use of renewable energy and hydrogen were analyzed, as well as the 6 largest projects and programs for the recycling of solid waste. It has been established that renewable energy sources have begun to play an important role in the structure of the energy balance of the entire European Union, in no way inferior to fossil fuels.


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