Author page: Evgeny Semenov

Scenario Analysis of the Fuel Company Competitiveness in the World Market of Tolerant Nuclear Fuel for NPPs


The article analyses the market of goods and services at the initial stage of nuclear fuel cycle. Particular attention is paid to nuclear fuel fabrication and the impact of new promising types of fuel (including tolerant) on domestic companies’ market positions. Based on scenario analysis, the authors show the possibility to partially offset export earnings in case of possible loss of the fabrication market share due to increasing sales in other key stages of the nuclear fuel cycle — uranium conversion and enrichment.


1. Increased Accident Tolerance of Fuels for Light Water Reactors. Workshop Proceedings OECD/NEA Headquarters Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, 10–12 December 2012. NEA-OECD, 2013, 534 p.

2. State-of-the-Art Report on Light Water Reactor Accident-Tolerant Fuels. NEA-OECD, 2018, 372 p.

3. Nikipelova N. Viewpoint: How ATF could shape the nuclear fuel market. World Nuclear News, available at:

4. Semenov E.V., Kharitonov V.V. Mikroekonomika povysheniya bezopasnosti AES na osnove tolerantnogo topliva [Microeconomics of NPP Safety Improvement Based on Tolerant Fuel]. Mikroekonomika, 2021, no 5, pp. 49–62.

5. Karpyuk L.A., Kuznetsov V.I., Maslov A.A. et al. Toplivo s khromovym pokrytiem obolochki tvela, ustoichivoe k avarii [Fuel with Chromium-Plated Fuel Element Cladding, Crash Resistant]. Atomnaya energiya, 2021, no 3, pp. 142–148.

6. Karpyuk L.A., Savchenko A.M., Leont’eva-Smirnova M.V. et al. Perspektivy primeneniya stal’nykh obolochek dlya tvelov reaktorov tipa VVER v ramkakh kontseptsii topliva, ustoichivogo k avariinym situatsiyam [Prospects for Applying Steel Cladding for Fuel Elements of VVER Type Reactors Within the Concept of Fuel Resistant to Emergency Situations]. Atomnaya energiya, 2020, no 4, pp. 203–207.

7. Karpyuk L.A., Lysikov A.V., Maslov A.A. et al. Perspektivnoe metallicheskoe uran-molibdenovoe toplivo, ustoichivoe k avariyam [Promising Metallic Uraniummolybdenum Fuel Resistant to Accidents]. Atomnaya energiya, 2021, no 3, pp. 148–152.

8. Karpyuk L.A., Novikov V.V., Kulakov G.V. et al. Splav 42KhNM i karbid kremniya kak material obolochek tvelov, ustoichivykh k avariyam [42KhNM Alloy and Silicon Carbide as a Material for Fuel Rod Cladding Resistant to Accidents]. Atomnaya energiya, 2021, no 4, pp. 211–215.

9. Kritskii V.G., Kalin B.A. Korroziya obolochek tvelov v zhiznennom tsikle TVS legkovodnykh reaktorov [Corrosion of Fuel Claddings in the Life Cycle of Fuel Assemblies in Light Water Reactors]. Moscow, NIYaU MIFI, 2020, 200 p.

10. Kharitonov V.V. Dinamika razvitiya yadernoi energetiki. Ekonomiko-analiticheskie model [Dynamics of Nuclear Power Development. Economic and Analytical Models]. NIYaU MIFI, 2014, 328 p.

11. Sinev M.N. Ekonomika yadernoi energetiki: Osnovy tekhnologii i ekonomiki proizvodstva yadernogo topliva. Ekonomika AES [Nuclear Power Economics: Fundamentals of Technology and Economics of Nuclear Fuel Production. NPP Economics]. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1987. 480 s.

Impact of the Trade War Between the United States and China on the EAEU Foreign Economic Activity. Interim Results and Prospects

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.16-25

The article analyzes the causes of the trade war between the USA and China, in particular, dwells on the problems of further globalization of the world economic relations, multidirectional vectors of the two states’ development in recent decades, as well as disproportion in the trade balance. The paper presents statistical assessment of the trade war results, expressed in structural changes of trade relations between the US and China, as well as dynamics of their imports from the EAEU countries. Based on statistical data, the conclusion is made on economic prospects of the EAEU to compensate certain product groups that are falling out during the trade war in the Chinese and American markets, and general recommendations are given on building the EAEU’s foreign economic strategy, taking into account the current global changes

EAEU and Global Value Chains

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.128-135

The article describes position of the EAEU countries in the international division of labour, compares them with other geographic regions. The author reveals the pros and cons of deeper integration into global value chains, and also suggests various policy options with regard to participation therein. The paper also describes the EAEU regional features, on the basis of which advantages and disadvantages of the region in relation to external economic agents are specified. Special focus is made on the protectionist trend, which has both internal and external (global) dimensions and hinders implementation of effective coordinated macroeconomic policy of the EAEU countries for achieving higher redistributions in global production chains.