Russian Education Today: Opportunities and Threats
The last decades are characterized by rapid acceleration of social rhythms and growth of social risks. In-depth changes, transformations, that had taken place in ideology and world view of people, determine the fate of modern society, subject to revision of traditional values systems. Russian secondary school, as well as all the country’s educational system, goes through a state of modernization and reforms. The result of modernization should be to achieve a new quality of Russian education, which is primarily determined by its compliance with current and future demands of the country’s modern life. In her interview with the “Economic Strategies” magazine the director of gymnasium № 1306 “School of Young Politicians” Elena Boleslavovna Sporysheva told about vectors and modernization prospects, about where our country is moving, speaking in the context of the school and the modern child, about peculiar features of the school reforms. The basis of the interview was constituted by her speech at the Business Education Section at the Gaidar Forum in January 2016.