Author page: Elena Asanova

Scientific and Methodological Approaches to the Problem of Creating a Model of an Enterprise’s Digital Twin

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.54-63

The article dwells on scientific and methodological approaches to solving the problem of forming a model of a digital twin of an enterprise, the production process, products and resources at all stages of the life cycle, when all departments involved in development, production, operation, including repair work, are represented in the form of a computer network that unites the combined elements of three types: sensors (detectors), factors (actuators and devices), control and management bodies. Proposed scientific-methodological approaches and principles of a “virtual enterprise” modeling are quite universal since they permit to provide a reflection and mathematical description of the dynamics of changes in the performance of an enterprise, its divisions and transformation of properties and characteristics of high-tech products that occur during the production process.


1. Gubinskiy A.M. Upravlenie tekhnologicheskim razvitiem v sfere oborony i bezopasnosti Rossii, SShA i Kitaya: istoricheskie aspekty i sovremennyy opyt [Managing Technological Development in the Sphere of Defence and Security of Russia, the USA and China: Historical Aspects and Modern Experience: Russia]. Vol. I. Rossiya. Moscow, Izdatel’skie resheniya, 2021, 626 p.

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3. Bratukhin A.G., Dmitriev V.G. Strategiya, kontseptsiya, printsipy CALS: Rossiyskaya entsiklopediya CALS. Aviatsionno-kosmicheskoe mashinostroenie [Strategy, Concept, CALS Principles: Russian Encyclopedia of CALS: Aerospace Mechanical Engineering]. Moscow, OAO “NITs ASK”, 2008, pp. 15–26.

4. Kovshov A.N., Nazarov Yu.F., Ibragimov I.M., Nikiforov A.D. Informatsionnaya podderzhka zhiznennogo tsikla izdeliy mashinostroeniya: printsipy, sistemy i tekhnologii CALS/IPI [Information Support for the Life Cycle of Mechanical Engineering Products: Principles, CALS/IPI Systems and Technologies]. Ucheb. posobie dlya studentov vuzov. Moscow, Akademiya, 2007, 304 p.

5. Deryabin N.I., Kuprikov M.Yu., Markin L.V., Deniskin Yu.I., Bragintseva L.M., Evdokimenko V.N., Latysheva V.V. Kadrovoe obespechenie: Rossiyskaya entsiklopediya CALS: Aviatsionno-kosmicheskoe mashinostroenie [Personnel Support: Russian Encyclopedia of CALS: Aerospace Engineering]. Moscow, OAO “NITs ASK”, 2008, pp. 557–575.

6. Zhamoydik T.I., Revyakov G.A. Nauchno-metodicheskie podkhody k resheniyu zadachi modelirovaniya predpriyatiya na baze kontseptual’nykh polozheniy tsifrovykh tekhnologiy: Raketno-kosmicheskoe priborostroenie i informatsionnye sistemy [Scientific-methodological Approaches to Solving the Problem of Enterprise Modeling Based on the Conceptual Provisions of Digital Technologies: Rocket-space instrument engineering and information systems]. Vol. 8, vyp.

2. Moscow, RKS, 2021, pp. 32–42.

7. Vice Admiral Arthur K. Cebrowski, U.S. Navy, and John J. Garstka. Network-Centric Warfare: Its Origin and Future. January 1998.

Life Cycle of the Military-Industrial Complex Organizations: the Shift from Fiscal to Motivational Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.6-25

The article deals with the issues of improving state regulation of the military-industrial complex (MIC) economy concerning an expanding fiscal economy. Case studies demonstrate the impact of existing approaches to state regulation of financial and economic activities on the efficiency of the enterprise life cycle. Attention is drawn to evaluation and effect analysis of such demotivating factors of current approach as “lagging planning”, “deliberate” penalties, an increase in the tax burden, a statutory fixed deficit of working capital, an increase in the loan debt burden. These factors lead to the profit reduction in the real economy and diminish the strength of MIC organizations to make an economic breakthrough. It is concluded that the fiscal economy is the result of inconsistency of rules and norms. In addition, there is the lack of science-based technical and economic models for MIC management considering the interests of all the stakeholders. In order to solve this issue, it is proposed to develop a consolidated state document as general binding rules for the numerous authorities involved in state regulation of MIC financial and economic activities. This set of rules and regulations should also ensure a consistent approach to definitions and algorithms. It is also recommended to organize a permanent platform for productive dialogue between authorities and MIC representatives on the issue of the MIC economic policy