Author page: Boris Bogoutdinov

Methods for Evaluating Digital Financial Assets as the Basis for Future Trade Turnover

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.62-69

The author analyzes methods of cryptocurrency evaluation existing in foreign practice. Applicability of the comparative, income and cost approaches used in valuation activities, as well as possible methods within each of the approaches, is explored. It is determined that within the income approach, the discounted cash flow model and the exchange equation are applicable. The comparative approach involves the classic comparison of sales, while the cost approach contains two methods based on actual (energy cost method) and forecast (stock-flow ratio method) data.


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Game Theory and Real Options in the Investment Policy of Enterprises

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Game Theory and Real Options in the Investment Policy of Enterprises

The possibility of joint implementation of real options theory and game theory as applied to the subjects of the national economy modernizes the system of strategic management. Scenario analysis of competitive enterprises in framework of the market structure of “oligopoly” is presented. The mathematical apparatus of game theory allowing to use competitive enterprise management component as a strategic driver is explained. An example is given illustrating the possibility of exercising rights to specific activities in order to increase the capitalization of company, and the expansion of competitive advantage by optimizing strategic policy.

Real Options: a Tool of Effective Management

#2. Is it reformation on the march?

In the clause the approved pricing models of real options put into practice are considered. Real options act in a role of financial tools of efficient control of corporate business. Real options allow to solve and prove questions of investment appeal of projects of any sphere of action.