Author page: Andrey Klepach

Energy-Informational Cosmism of Russia


Earth and space are fractal partners of the world system, whose structural, functional properties and characteristics are similar. They are equally subject to general laws of vital functions and cyclic development, mutual transformation of substance, energy and information, in the process of interaction and evolution generating common space-time categories, common material, biophysical and noospheric formations.



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12. Chizhevskii A.L. Kosmicheskii pul’s zhizni [Cosmic Pulse of Life]. Moscow, Mysl’, 1995, 766 p.

13. Klepach A.N., Dobrocheev O.V. Ansambl’ ekonomicheskikh voln ili turbulentnaya gipoteza ekonomiki [Ensemble of Economic Waves or Turbulent Hypothesis of the Economy]. Filosofiya khozyaistva, 2015, no 6, pp. 180–191.

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