Author page: Alexander Oleskin

Role of BRICS in the World Economy Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.16-23

The authors propose a vector for developing BRICS as an operator of an intercountry digital platform complex (IDPC), within the framework of which international economic transactions are accelerated, simplified and cheapened. Simplification and acceleration occur due to the fact that the documents, required for transaction, are prepared by ICPC algorithms in accordance with the current legislation of the countries and international standards. Cost reduction is achieved by reducing transaction costs, international multilateral clearing, optimizing logistics costs, introducing an internal electronic platform currency for mutual settlements, etc. In this case BRICS, receiving a commission of about 0.5% from each transaction, becomes independent of the budgets of participating countries and a self-sustaining international organization with significant influence in the field of international economic cooperation, including performing the international arbitration functions.


1. Oleskin A.V. Setevoe obshchestvo: ego neobkhodimost’ i vozmozhnye strategii postroeniya [Network Society: Its Necessity and Possible Strategies for its Construction]. Moscow, URSS, 2016.

2. Budanov V.G. Metafizika, ontologii i stsenarii bol’shogo antropologicheskogo perekhoda: Nauka i fenomen cheloveka v epokhu tsivilizatsionnogo Makrosdviga [Metaphysics, Ontologies and Scenarios of the Great Anthropological Transition: Science and Phenomenon of a Man in the Era of Civilizational Macroshift]. Moscow, Institut obshchegumanitarnykh issledovaniy, 2023, 748 p.

3. Oleskin A.V. Detsentralizovannaya setevaya organizatsiya nauchnogo soobshchestva. Perspektivy i problem [Decentralized Network Organization of the Scientific Community. Prospects and Challenges]. Moscow, URSS, 2021.

4. Shokhov A.S. Rol’ Rossii v konstruirovanii mirovoy ekonomiki XXI veka: The New World Economy [Russia’s Role in Designing the World Economy of the 21st Century: The New World Economy]. Artificial societies. 2023. Vol. 18. Iss. 3. URL:

Cellular Paradigm of Network Organization: Implications for Present-Day Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.68-77

Microorganisms and cultivated cells from human or animal tissues form complex network structures (colonies, biofilms, flocs, granules, etc.) that are characterized by efficient communication and behavior coordination in the absence of a central pacemaker. The decentralized (flat) network organization of such structures is due to the functioning of (a) information-transmitting intercellular contacts, (b) a signal field created by distant communication systems, including the quorum-sensing system; and (c) a biopolymer matrix that cements the cells of the whole network structure. Microbial network structures exist in the human organism, especially in the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract. The cellular networks engage in complex interaction with the host organism. The organism represents a complex combination of hierarchical structures and decentralized networks and includes the brain, the peripheral nervous system, the immune system, and the endocrine system.

The interaction between the microbiota and the host may produce both positive and negative effects on the host’s physical and mental health, because decentralized networks are known to possess not only useful but also potentially harmful properties. Communication between microbial cells and the host organism involves neurochemicals, i.e., chemical compounds, whose functions include impulse transmission between nervous cells. In the final section, the cellular paradigm of network organization is envisaged as the conceptual basis of organizational technology aimed at creating efficient non-hierarchical creative teams that are cemented by common values and goals (the network matrix).

Decentralized Network Structures in the Scientific Community, the Educational System, Civil Society and Business: the Hirama Model

#2. Sisyphean Task
Decentralized Network Structures in the Scientific Community, the Educational System, Civil Society and Business: the Hirama Model

The present work focuses on the applications of decentralized network structures with split leadership to various spheres of society. They are denoted herein as hiramas (High-Intensity Research And Management Associations). Special emphasis is placed on the use of hiramas in the organization of nontraditional interdisciplinary creative labs and NGOs in civil society, interactive teaching, and in business. It is stressed that the importance of traditional hierarchical institutions exemplified by universities and academic research institutions is not diminished by the spread of alternative decentralized network structures. Hierarchical institutions are to be held responsible for the consolidation and self-identification of the national scientific community, for furthering the interests of the scientific community in the face of external and internal challenges, and for evaluating the performance of decentralized network structures to select the hiramas that should receive material and ideological support.

Network Structures, the Matrix, and Chaperons. Practical Options and Organizational Innovations

#5. Digital Agitation
Network Structures, the Matrix, and Chaperons. Practical Options and Organizational Innovations

This article is concerned with decentralized network structures. Emphasis is placed on their matrix, i.e. the system of ideological attitudes, values, myths, behavioral norms, and tacit knowledge that is exemplified by software development techniques in the networks of IT specialists. The knowledge exists at the level of the whole network and is not completely accessible to each individual network member. The advent of digital technology is currently giving a new impetus to the development of decentralized cooperative structures. Of paramount importance are the mechanisms of non-hierarchical behavioral coordination that operate in network structures. Special attention is to be given to psychological techniques that secure the dominance of group-level goals, values and creative processes over the individual behavioral trends of network members. Such techniques that involve subconscious brain modules can be facilitated by regulatory social structures, referred to as social chaperons. Promoting the chaperons’ optimal functioning and enhancing their soft guiding and stimulating influence could be the mission of a novel social institutions including the Committee for Promotion of Network Structures, the Research Institute for Network Structures, state-supported counseling bodies for network developers, and public network associations. These innovative state-level bodies should aim to (i) legalize the status of decentralized cooperative network structures, (ii) optimize their organization and (iii) harmonize their interaction with non-network structures such as centralized hierarchies, including the “President’s vertical” power structure and local bureaucratic structures, as well as quasi-market structures.

Social Chaperons

#7. Hysteresis Loop
Social Chaperons

The development of network society (the network revolution) in the present-day world necessitates the establishment of networked regulatory organizations that can exert a positive influence on this process. They represent analogs of biomolecular chaperons that function in the living cell. Such social chaperons can design optimal scenarios of the network revolution. They can take account of various possible organizational options (paradigms) of network structures. Chaperons can creatively use paradigms that function in biological systems ranging from unicellular organisms to schooling fish, social insects, and apes. Social chaperons can contribute to their implementation using the whole spectrum of possible strategies of promoting expedient network scenarios and convincing political leaders and government regulators of their importance for humankind.

Network Structures: Options in Living Nature and Human Society. Network Socialism

#7. Maint Games
Network Structures: Options in Living Nature and Human Society. Network Socialism

Decentralized, distributed network structures possess significant creative and innovative potential in solving various problems of modern society, including organization of interdisciplinary creative laboratories, interactive techniques in education and the establishment of inter- and intrafirm networks. Of special interest are biological models (paradigms), i.e., organizational options for network structures in diverse biological systems. These models can be used creatively to establish networks in various spheres of human society. It is emphasized that the dissemination of network structures in society promotes the implementation of the principles of socialist economy.

Decentralized network structures in economic and political spheres

#9. Execution Excess
Decentralized network structures in economic and political spheres

Network nonhierarchical structures have sufficiently significant potential in business, where they correspond to strategic alliances between firms, inter-firm networks of its autonomous departments, as well as to small network companies, the typical example of which is represented by manufacturing cooperatives. Not less prospects characterize decentralized networks in the political sphere, where we see such important examples as inter-state network alliances, cross-border and global network organizations and movements, advisory commissions and committees under the state apparatus structures and especially network structures being part of the largely non-hierarchical civil society, expressing the citizens’ will and interests in their dialogue with the political system’s hierarchy. On the basis of presented facts the author makes a conclusion that networks in economy contribute to implement the principles of self-managed socialism, and in political sphere – to implement the principles of new type meritocracy, which will be supported by civil society network structures.

Networks as Non-Hierarchical and Non-Market Structures: Realization in Biological and Social Systems

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

Over the past decades, more and more importance in the social and political spheres is acquired by network structures, propagating in different countries and regions of the world and in different spheres of society. In particular, they form the basis of civil society as a “set of civilizational structures and forms, incarnated in … the functions and actions of individuals, social groups, associations, unions”, which are capable in the interests of ordinary citizens to exercise democratic “control … of the state bodies functioning”, that is, of public persons activities. This article focuses on the organizational principles of network structures and exercises biopolitical approach, according to which the structures of human society and biological system are compared. The term “network structures” has at least two different interpretations in the literature, which can be conditionally called its broad and narrow interpretation.