In the works [1–3] it was shown that the ultimate goal of the post-industrial war is to establish (by violent means) exclusive control over evolution direction and speed of a local or global human population. But all such impacts can only be of clandestine nature, eliminating or impeding as much as possible identification of such war waging and its source. In other words, the key component of the post-industrial war management is creation of robust cryptological protection for the fighting parties. The article is dedicated to this problem, being the fourth in a series of publications on the topic “The purpose and nature of post-industrial war” [1, 2, 4, 5]. It is significant that since all the topics of the above series are based on the concept of a post-digital society [6], the stable cryptological protection, which will be discussed below, should also be non-digital, or rather non-informational, as the basis of a non-digital image of the future is analogue synchronization of states with application of the media wave properties. This generally does not require the creation of a management system based on the information parcels exchange [6]
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