Author page: Alexander Ageev

Alexander I. AgeevAlexander I. Ageev

Director General, Institute for Economic Strategies; President, Russian Division, International League of Strategic Management, Assessment and Accounting; President, Russian Academy of Future Research. Academician, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Professor, D.Sc. (Economics), MBA.

Forming Organizational and Information Management Mechanisms Building a Digital Economy in Russia

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
Forming Organizational and Information Management Mechanisms Building a Digital Economy in Russia

Successful development of our country is closely connected with the option of creating a digital economy in Russia. Herewith, one of the most important components of this process is creation of supporting infrastructure for the digital economy as a convergent aggregate of digital ecosystems based on “big data” technologies, quantum computers, new production methods and artificial intelligence. Development of the Russian economy requires effective state regulation, increased manageability based on introduction of digital platforms for the main sectors of economy. The article dwells on formation of strategic mechanisms for monitoring, planning and market regulation of the Russian economy on the basis of building an integrated system of electronic markets for commodity resources using electronic trading platforms (ETP). Integrating ETP for creation of a complex system of electronic markets for commodity resources, associated with digital management platforms for major industries, creates new opportunities for optimizing dynamic interaction and adaptive improvement of commodity management transactions chains for creating a common logic of management processes in different commodity and market spaces and at all levels of management in Russia (and EAEU), which form the demand for issuing support of economic activity and volumes of financial resources (assets), denominated in a particular currency of one of the states — members of the EAEU.

Convergent Monitoring and Programming of Personality as a Tool for Managing Intellectual Dynamics of Behavioral Activity of Large Groups of People

#2. Sisyphean Task
Convergent Monitoring and Programming of Personality as a Tool for Managing Intellectual Dynamics of Behavioral Activity of Large Groups of People

To ensure political and economic stability in Russia the article proposes technology of convergent monitoring and personality programming within the system “bioelectric activity of the brain — psychosemantic subjectivity of the individual — imprinted reflexive matrices — information stimuli” based on its multi-parameter monitoring analysis. The authors study relationships between metastable states of individuals as a bifurcation point in developing intellectual dynamics of behavioral activity and interrelated political, economic, social and other processes that are determined by the influence of coherent-resonant clusters of manifestations having biophysical and information-cognitive nature. As a result of obtaining the forecast, it becomes possible to use both standard measures of preparation for possible extreme manifestations of different degrees of organization, and to implement communicative and other measures to “quench” the amplitude of coherent manifestations of biophysical and information-cognitive nature and to create conditions for their asymmetry in order to “dump” accumulated stresses within identified and unidentified aggregated groups of people due to a series of targeted information impacts, through changing communication mechanisms for obtaining information, etc.

Crypto-Currencies, Markets and Institutions

#1. Event Horison
Crypto-Currencies, Markets and Institutions

Crypto-currency is becoming one of the key factors for competitiveness of major players in national and global monetary and financial markets. Bitcoin has actually become one of the world’s currencies. State regulators’ conceptions about decentralization and autonomy of crypto-currencies create ever greater risks of currency-financial collapses owing to manipulative games and currency attacks of international speculative groups. Real beneficiaries of the crypto-currency volatility, as a rule, remain beyond visibility of the world community. Trends in the development of crypto-currencies as an increasingly important element of the world monetary and financial markets have determined for our country the need to form a mechanism for planning and coordinating the monetary and monetary policy of the EAEU member states with an agreed rate of a single electronic currency, circulation terms and conditions (zones, etc.) applying the principles of forming a transparent and unified organizational structure of financial institutions and markets within the framework of the EAEU.

Adaptability of the High-Tech Complex to Digital Challenges

#1. Event Horison
Adaptability of the High-Tech Complex to Digital Challenges

The plan of measures on implementing the program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” in the direction “Formation of research competencies and technological reserves” provides in 2018 elaboration of methodological approaches to development and implementation of strategies for digital transformation of enterprises. The world practice has accumulated an interesting, diverse experience of digital transformation, but Russia’s leadership potential in the world digital competition can be formed solely by developing independent, breakthrough approaches that will allow Russian industry not only to adopt successful experience of foreign partners, but also to put forward its competitive solutions and digital transformation tools. The proposed methodology for studying adaptability of Russia’s high-tech complex to realities of the digital economy can make a worthy contribution to forming competencies in the digital transformation of high-tech enterprises. The authors hope for an active and constructive dialogue with a wide range of experts in the interests of development and further improvement of this approach.

Forming the Russian Cluster of Transport-Transit and Fuel-Energy Corridors of Eurasia, Integrated with the Chinese Economic Belt of the Silk Road

#8. New Year’s Forces
Forming the Russian Cluster of Transport-Transit and Fuel-Energy Corridors of Eurasia, Integrated with the Chinese Economic Belt of the Silk Road

The article is dedicated to forming the Russian cluster of transport-transit and fuel-energy corridors of Eurasia as a Russian counterpart partner project integrated with the Chinese Economic belt of the Silk Road. The authors substantiate the necessity of creating the Eurasian distributed mega-hub, oriented to consolidated management for the use of the transport-transit and fuel-energy infrastructure of Russia and other states-participants of the EAEU, combined with a similar Chinese infrastructure. The technological base of such a project is the infrastructure for production and transportation of fuel, energy, raw materials, food and other resources and for provision of logistics and other services in the structure of infrastructure-transport directions (corridors) “China–Russia–Europe” and “Russia–China–Asia”. It is proposed to change Russia’s business positioning in cooperation with China for its integration as a key operator in the structure of providing transport and transit services and supplying fuel and energy resources in Europe and Asia. On this basis, it is possible to form mechanisms both for coordinating trade of products and resources, as well as agreeing in mutually beneficial interests between Russia and China on various technological, economic, information and other aspects that ensure synchronization of the processes of rendering transport and transit services and energy supply to consumers in different territorial zones of national economies of Europe and Asia.

Demographic Phenomenon of BRICS

#7. Foresight Boom
Demographic Phenomenon of BRICS

The article examines the phenomenon of BRICS, which has now acquired a global visibility. The article focuses on the main potential of the BRICS countries — human capital, those demographic resources that, being combined with a growing economy and a standard of living, can break the current picture of the world.