Author page: Alexander Ageev

Alexander I. AgeevAlexander I. Ageev

Director General, Institute for Economic Strategies; President, Russian Division, International League of Strategic Management, Assessment and Accounting; President, Russian Academy of Future Research. Academician, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Professor, D.Sc. (Economics), MBA.

Methodology of Plan Development Based on Digital Economy Tools

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.162.2019.6-17

The article deals with insufficiently explored fundamental methodological problem of creating a unified enterprise plan. Currently, plans/budgets are generated based on a variety of separate forms from various aspects of production and business activities, and combining them into a single document is practically impossible. The existing enterprise plan has got quite a formal role. In the current situation, a transition from forming separate documents to creating a single plan in the subjects of the real sector of economy is required in order to assess the whole range of tasks and goals of socio-economic development with regard to all the resources necessary for their implementation. Creating a single plan is a task of an extremely high level of complexity, which is solved by means of coding (digitizing) various information by all indicators and business operations with them, reflecting the business activities in business processes, as well as through significantly changing the structure of the plan, implementing compliance functions

Methods of Digital Economy in Terms of Management and Control Activities in the Real Economy

Currently, problems in the system of economic management have reached the level where a global shift has become objectively inevitable. Implementation of digital economy in terms of public administration and control activities through developing scientific principles in conjunction with situation analysis will provide an opportunity to solve these problems in order to ensure increase in real incomes of Russian citizens. The present article deals with creating a digital economy methodology in the real sector of economy for developing a digital system for economic activity management

Recombination of Developing Countries’ Debts to Russia: Conversion of Financial Debt in the Long-Term Lease of Property Assets

The article aims to consider the possibilities of handling the developing countries’ debts to Russia. A model for converting financial debt into long-term lease of property assets (territory, water area, etc.) is proposed. Recombination of debts for the long-term lease of territory will allow our country to achieve geostrategic results now or postpone it for the future, when it becomes especially profitable for us. This model of setting off (paying) the debt of the debtor country for Russia’s right to lease a part of the debtor country’s territory for 100 years ahead with exclusive use rights like a special economic zone should protect the interests of Russia and Russian companies, with regard to possible future situations of both peaceful and military character. Experience of the USA, which leased Alaska from the Russian Empire and is still giving it back, confirms the proposed model effectiveness

Emergencies Information Management Systems

#2. Breakthrough Betting
Emergencies Information Management Systems

The paper addresses the issue of forming an intelligent digital infrastructure for managing the country’s economy in special conditions: global disasters, catastrophes and emergencies. The experience of creating large information systems for managing the country’s economy in a special period is evaluated. The convergent approach for creating the required system for management support is proposed. It is shown that under these conditions, high management efficiency can be achieved on the basis of special support for self-organization processes and anti-collapse self-adjusting integration of information system segments and intelligent services that are adaptable to conditions of a known, predictable and unknown nature. At the same time, the integration of network infrastructures involves the distributed processing and storage of data based on interaction and integration of various network environments, which allows to achieve previously unattainable reliability, stability and recoverability of economic management.

Global Asian Energy Ring: Contours of Energy System of the XXI Century

#1. Minds Confusion
Global Asian Energy Ring: Contours of Energy System of the XXI Century

Macroeconomic problems and political games of our Western “partners” have mainstreamed the task of diversifying the routes and simultaneously expanding the volumes of Russian and transit electricity exports abroad. Given constantly increasing energy consumption in Asian countries, it is the Asian export vector of Russian fuel and energy resources that seems most promising, updating the development of fuel and energy infrastructure for integrating the energy system of Russia and the energy systems of a group of key countries in Eastern, Southern and Western Asia. This vector from the viewpoint of considering the fuel and energy infrastructure as a metasystem is expedient to realize through forming the Global Asian Energy Ring, taking into account the unique experience of the UES of the USSR and the Mir energy system. A unified energy supply system and mechanisms for resource and financial coordination within the framework of the Global Asian Energy Ring can form the basis for ensuring political and economic competitiveness of a group of key countries in Eastern, Southern and Western Asia, based on a key energy partner, being also the main guarantor of energy supplies (collective energy security) — Russia.