Author page: Alexander Ageev

Alexander I. AgeevAlexander I. Ageev

Director General, Institute for Economic Strategies; President, Russian Division, International League of Strategic Management, Assessment and Accounting; President, Russian Academy of Future Research. Academician, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Professor, D.Sc. (Economics), MBA.

The EAEU Demography and Human Capital: Trends and Losses in the Context of a Pandemic


Demographic dynamics becomes crucially important for successful scenario of the future for both Eurasian integration and each EAEU member state. The “pandemic crisis” caused an increase in excess mortality, reduced social well-being and created serious legal and managerial conflicts. Within the EAEU new barriers to mobility and migration have emerged and social tension has increased. In the existing realities the current supranational solutions are insufficient, they are poorly focused on achieving the demographic security of the EAEU member states. Coordinated actions are needed to significantly improve the demographic situation in the EAEU.

Sustainability Metrics of the EAEU Economic Development: Problem of the “Core” of the Indicators and Thresholds System


In the subject area of macroeconomic indicators there is currently not only an active search for new solutions, but also their almost continuous implementation in the practice of macroeconomic regulation. Multiple crisis processes in the world economy and politics, unfolding technological transformation, sharp manifestation of medical and biological threats have created additional impulses for forming and applying new models for assessing macroeconomic realities and a set of sustainable development problems. In the practice of world integration associations and the EAEU in particular, considerable experience has been accumulated in applying the systems of macroeconomic indicators with threshold values and procedures for responding to their violations. Critical analysis of the current system of macroeconomic indicators in the EAEU made it possible to substantiate a new vision of both the composition of indicators of sustainable economic development of the EAEU member states and assessment criteria as well as threshold values.

Russia in Supercritical Situation: Managing Restoration of Life-Support Functions to Overcome the Consequences of a Natural Macro Catastrophe


Supercritical fluid is a state of matter when its temperature and pressure are above the critical point. Supercritical situation is a state of the economy in its cumulative manifestations and mutual influence, whereby the state of key life-support profiles is below the critical point of controllability. Various forecasts are increasingly actualizing the probability of a natural (and man-made) macro-catastrophe (a large meteorite fall, an earthquake of 10–12 points and others, as well as a pandemic similar to COVID–19, but with more severe consequences). As the coronavirus pandemic has shown, modern civilization is becoming ever more vulnerable to such disasters. To overcome the destabilizing trends of a natural (and man-made) macro-catastrophe, it is necessary to adopt proactively a set of measures in Russia that will drastically increase the efficiency of public administration in relation to the list of regulated resource,  economic, technical, social and other parameters incorporating mechanisms and procedures of public administration into market mechanisms and the budgeting structure with regard to external and internal factors of the supersystem’s vital activities

Digital Transformation of National Security in the Context of Global Hybrid Threats


In this article, the authors raise the issues of compliance (adequacy) of the ideology, approaches and infrastructure of the national security system in the light of global changes in the economy, de facto hybrid wars and ongoing natural and environmental emergencies. As a central element of preparation for such events and reaction to them, the authors considers mobilization in the classical sense, enshrined in the legislation, analyzes it for compliance with current hybrid threats, and also suggests new approaches to the digital transformation of the complex system of national security and mobilization, in particular

Financial Flows Matrix — a Tool for Implementing the Country’s Economic Policy


The article discusses a promising and well-proven tool for analyzing economic relations in socio-economic systems, which is actively used all over the world — the matrix of financial flows. The paper identifies the main areas of its application and briefly describes the history of its development in the world and specifically for Russia. The author also features the process of constructing a matrix for 12 economic regions of our country by types of economic activity. In the course of filling with statistical data the problem of assessing the volume of interregional trade was identified, which made it necessary to undertake an additional research, the results of which are presented in the article. In conclusion an example of practical use of the constructed matrix as an independent tool, as well as part of a more complex economic and mathematical model, is demonstrated

Net-Centric System of Elevated Stability (Survivability) of Energy Management in Russia Under Difficult-to-predict Critical Conditions


Energy sector, like the defence complex, is one of the key industries that serve as a basis for the life support processes of the country and the resulting stability of the state political structure. World practice has clearly demonstrated the key dependence of domestic political and social stability on reliability and sustainability of energy supply. Multifactorial survivability of the energy supersystem under normal and critical conditions of natural and anthropogenic origin can be provided through forming a net-centric system of elevated management stability, based on a distributed network of inter-corporate disaster-resistant data centers for processing and storing extremely large data sets. It is proposed to use data centers as bases for digital “twins” of energy facilities and processes in order to finally achieve a new quality of control based on digital topology within a single digital model of the energy supersystem with the possibility of secure collection, storage, processing and exchange of data, necessary for managing power facilities of various sectoral subsystems of the Russian fuel and energy complex, as well as for regional and municipal authorities. Application of digital topology makes it possible, during local interactions, to search for and implement solutions for moving towards local, network and polycentric resource-operational optima in order to minimize costs (price burden on the consumer) of separate companies and the entire industry with the aim of maintaining reliability and sustainability of energy supply, including security costs of the critical information infrastructure systems