Author page: Alexander Ageev

Alexander I. AgeevAlexander I. Ageev

Director General, Institute for Economic Strategies; President, Russian Division, International League of Strategic Management, Assessment and Accounting; President, Russian Academy of Future Research. Academician, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Professor, D.Sc. (Economics), MBA.

Restructuring of Global Governance – Key to Fighting Global Financial and Economic Crises

#10. Questions and Answers

The mechanism of macroeconomic quasi-stabilization is found, although its main features are not yet fully understood by the world economic community.

Financial Arm of the World

#10. Questions and Answers

Even if outflow of capital seems to someone a purely personal stroke of pen in the payment documents or enjoyable staccato of fingers on the keyboard, even if for an economist it’s just a passionless statistical indicator, the high significance of ready cash is a fact of contemporary crisis geo-economics.

Around-Zero Topics

#9. Any problem with?

 In the published block of interviews on strategic issues three global strategic topics converged: what is happening to the human brain and human health, how social turbulence rolls in wave after wave, and that a new model of economic development is being worked through step by step. All these topics are “around-zero” ones. Each of them promises tremendous changes. It is already possible to begin to predict their scale and impact on our everyday life, but it is impossible to imagine them like all the “around-zero”.

Regions Socially Responsible Development Rating

#7-8. Passions on the adjuster

Separate elements of the socially responsible development of regions are regularly measured and reported to the public by competent bodies. These elements of socially responsible development include: ecology, social sphere, efficient governance, investment feasibility, infrastructure, security, level of crime and others.

Revolutions Time?

#7-8. Passions on the adjuster

We consider events strategic when they affect the interests of many people and affect the lives of generations to come. The so-called Arab revolution are attributed to this sort of events. Someone call them date revolutions, someone – pistachio revolutions, in any case we encountered very serious catastrophes recently.