Author page: Alexander Ageev

Alexander I. AgeevAlexander I. Ageev

Director General, Institute for Economic Strategies; President, Russian Division, International League of Strategic Management, Assessment and Accounting; President, Russian Academy of Future Research. Academician, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Professor, D.Sc. (Economics), MBA.

The Tolerance has Reached a Complete Liquidation of Any Principles

#12. Everything will be OK

In Russia, obviously, it is necessary to search for any other distinctions between those, who votes, and those who corrects

Nooeconomics: a Definite Economy in the Indefinite Future

#11. Empty bowl

To maintain the positive trend in the processes of society development subject to regularities of formation of the nooeconomics foundations, a shift from geopolitics to Logos-politics, that is to the policy of managing information and knowledge, is required

Practical Applications of the Synergetics Methods

#11. Empty bowl

Methodology and theory of synergetics has a number of the strongest benefits that promote formation of a proper level of competence of the innovative personnel, including systematic approach and management of self-organizing systems, divergencies and changes

On the Eve of the Fifth Wave

#11. Empty bowl

Russia is accumulating human resource of the new elite. Some representatives of the Soviet elite are still active. Stably active are some characters of the Yeltsin era. Quite successful in life are the nominees to the official elite of “fat zero”. But among all the elite waves there is what is called “breakage” — those, who have not attained longed-for lines, dismissed, discharged, exiled.