Author page: Alexander Ageev

Alexander I. AgeevAlexander I. Ageev

Director General, Institute for Economic Strategies; President, Russian Division, International League of Strategic Management, Assessment and Accounting; President, Russian Academy of Future Research. Academician, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Professor, D.Sc. (Economics), MBA.

“Social State” in Advance

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
“Social State” in Advance

As follows from the calculation of the integral indices of the RF subjects social potential, determined based on the multifactor model methodology called “Strategic Matrix of the RF region”, worked out by the Institute for Economic Strategies, the development of social conditions cannot be considered even and uniform. Good data is demonstrated in those three of the nine factors that are directly related to reanimation of economic growth in the country — these factors are “Employment”, “Living conditions” and “Crime”.

New Large-Scale War: Chronicles of Well Forgotten Future

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
New Large-Scale War: Chronicles of Well Forgotten Future

A new world war for developed countries is a versatile tool solving the problems of the current global financial and economic crisis in the world economy. Under these conditions, the world’s actors, especially the United States, extremely need permanent “enemy-ally”, whose role before was traditionally played by the Russian Empire, later on — the USSR. This explains the feverish attempts by all means to draw Russia into a military conflict in the Ukraine.

“Space” Strategic Matrix: Concentration of the Russian Competitiveness Key Factors in the Struggle for Dominance in Strategic Business Areas of the Global Economy

#5. Space Like a Punishment
“Space” Strategic Matrix: Concentration of the Russian Competitiveness Key Factors in the Struggle for Dominance in Strategic Business Areas of the Global Economy

Efficient use of space technologies and systems enables us to construct a model of techno-mediated social-economic progress, which will determine the format of states’ and corporations’ dominance in strategic business areas. Space is becoming a bifurcation point of conservation — of real-national sovereignty of those countries that are interested in it and can afford it. It is necessary to form a comprehensive space activity strategy for concentration of the Russian competitiveness key factors in the struggle for dominance in the world economy.

Cultural Policy Imperatives of Russia

#2. Mr Wanna-know-All's Questions
Cultural Policy Imperatives of Russia

Nonlinear critical nature of economic and political processes dynamics has extremely updated the need for culturally deterministic advantages in managing political process in our country and abroad. It is proposed to get these advantages through pro-Russian civilization enculturation as the basis for realization of political development cultural formats, aimed at reprogramming and reimprinting of key matrices of culturalsemantic values, defining Russian civilization leadership in the world post-capitalist socio-cultural environment, which determines the problem solution of further Russia’s formation as a great power.

“Management of Meaning” as the Basis for Combining Economic Reality Probabilities

#1. Choice of Identity
“Management of Meaning” as the Basis for Combining Economic Reality Probabilities

An electronic image of the underlying asset in the world economy is becoming stronger than real economic assets, thus defining the format for implementation of a new social quasi-reality model. Surrounding us economic reality is acquiring more and more probabilistic nature, passing from realistic-material sphere to virtual content. In these conditions, the main imperative of the new ontological basis of the world economic development is becoming “management of meaning” providing purposeful formation of a system methods for identification and interpretation of what is happening, serving as the source of action of economic agents.