Author page: Alexander Ageev

Alexander I. AgeevAlexander I. Ageev

Director General, Institute for Economic Strategies; President, Russian Division, International League of Strategic Management, Assessment and Accounting; President, Russian Academy of Future Research. Academician, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Professor, D.Sc. (Economics), MBA.

Breaking Patterns

#7. Maint Games
Breaking Patterns

Analyzing actual data of the RF subjects social development, the authors note: as follows from calculation data of integral indicators, defined on the basis of the multifactor model methodology “Strategic matrix of the RF region”, developed by the Institute for Economic Strategies, negative economic trends have not yet practically effected the population living conditions. On the contrary, the all-Russian 2014 final index has even slightly increased compared to the previous year index.

Formation of the Common EAEU Market of Oil and Oil products: the Basis of the Union Stability Island in a Stormy World Ocean of Global Speculations

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
Formation of the Common EAEU Market of Oil and Oil products: the Basis of the Union Stability Island in a Stormy World Ocean of Global Speculations

Prices slump in the world oil markets in the second half of 2014 significantly damaged Russian economy. It became clear that something should be done. The article formulates the main directions and organizational model of forming the system of the EAEU oil and oil products markets. In fact, given the importance of budget revenues and corporate income from the crude oil and oil products sales (including relationship with the national currency exchange rate), it is a question of ensuring national security of our friendly countries through the joint regulation of the union oil markets by the states — the EAEU members. The EAEU system of oil and oil products markets (in the short term, the common EAEU market of oil and oil products) — is not only a mechanism of a certain commodities turnover management, but also a tool supporting the national currency exchange rate, the volume of gold and currency reserves, social programs realization and, therefore, a guarantee of their sustainability development.

Eurasian Economic Union: the Need for a New Strategic Management Outline

#4. The Square of Transformation
Eurasian Economic Union: the Need for a New Strategic Management Outline

Building a configuration of transboundary EAEU manufacturing technological complex, beneficial for member countries, including import-substituting production and sales structures, makes possible the gradual replacement of foreign suppliers by Russian (allied) producers. With the help of distributed-integrated information management system it is possible to “joint” the interests of various economic agents on the basis of heterogeneous system components (including business entities and physical objects) of the common EAEU economic space.

Changing the Strategy of Dollar Handling: US Launch of New Credit-Investment Cycle in Association with the Currency Wars

#3. TARGET'S Issue
Changing the Strategy of Dollar Handling: US Launch of New Credit-Investment Cycle in Association with the Currency Wars

One of the US most important competitive advantages is the ability to carry out multi-way strategic financial transactions allowing to export arising crisis phenomena out of the US economy, providing the stability of proper development. Institutional mechanisms of financial and economic balancing of the US economy form the basis for these operations. With their help logical chain of managerial global iterations is implemented: “formation of the money supply in the US dollars currency” → “manipulating financial flows volumes and directions in the form of real dollars (cash and non-cash) and in the form of derived financial instruments (derivatives etc.)” → “the US possibility to transfer world crises into the format of phased strategic financial transactions in the US interests”.

Development Trends of Methodological Approaches to Forming Federal Space Program Based on the Assessment of the Contribution of Space Assets to Improving the Economy of Russian Federation

#3. TARGET'S Issue
Development Trends of Methodological Approaches to Forming Federal Space Program Based on the Assessment of the Contribution of Space Assets to Improving the Economy of Russian Federation

The article examines methodological approach to shaping the Federal Space Program (FSP) in relation to socio-economic problems. According to the authors, the proposed approach can be further extended to all other areas of the FSP, as well as to the state program “Space activities of Russia” as a whole.