Author page: Alexander Ageev

Alexander I. AgeevAlexander I. Ageev

Director General, Institute for Economic Strategies; President, Russian Division, International League of Strategic Management, Assessment and Accounting; President, Russian Academy of Future Research. Academician, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences; Professor, D.Sc. (Economics), MBA.

Sweeping Dustunder the Rug

#5. To Understand. To Prevent. To Overcome
Sweeping Dustunder the Rug

When calculating the final integral index for the Russian Federation, determined according to the methodology of multifactor “Strategic matrix” model, the authors once again noted the low level of this indicator in 2015. It has not changed in comparison with the previous year. But in the factors context they have identified a tendency of compensating the key social indices lowering due to the growth of the secondary ones. Its presence is confirmed by opinion polls of the Public Opinion Foundation, that is, by how the Russians themselves assess changes in their daily life and the state of affairs in solving the problems they face.

IBM as a Mirror of the Global IT Evolution and Advent of the Second Information Revolution. Hidden Intellectual Springs, Possible Technological and Humanitarian Brakes, Expected Implications

#4. Window of Opportunities
IBM as a Mirror of the Global IT Evolution and Advent of the Second Information Revolution. Hidden Intellectual Springs, Possible Technological and Humanitarian Brakes, Expected Implications

On the example of IBM strategies it is possible to look at the information revolution and to understand what drives the modern IT and what future these technologies are preparing for us. The article identifies relationships and the impact of the latest military developments on the IT development vector. One of the main conclusions: the information society should be seen metaphorically as an iceberg. First of all, we see only the tip of an iceberg, and the submarine part remains outside our focus area. Secondly, isn’t the modern society a sort of “Titanic” rushing toward the iceberg? But not everything is so bad. In principle there are possibilities to control the development movement and to choose the own course in order not to endure catastrophe from a collision with an underwater part of the iceberg. There is one way out, and it is evident in many respects. It is necessary to use the self-preservation and survival instinct. And our actions should be dominated by strategic thinking and foresight. Otherwise, society will get the shackles of the “digital slavery” from information owners of the world. One must not lose mind, sovereignty and the right to think. One should not go on about the puppeteers and deceivers — who will outwit or replay someone. Now decisive became the factor — who will strongly, elastically and with a margin do a great deal of thinking.

System Designs of the Global Oil and Oil Products Market

#4. Window of Opportunities
System Designs of the Global Oil and Oil Products Market

The paper examines in detail the system designs of the global oil and oil products market based on accomplishing a series of preconditions for a global competition compliance (for example, by such indicator as the price-quality of oil and oil products), to which the following compliances can be attributed: the existence of the great number of independent oil producer, as well as producers, suppliers and consumers of petroleum products, the possibility of a free trade of the productive forces (logistics) and oil products produced with the help of such forces. The productive forces include the broad paradigm of activities related not only to mining and processing of oil resources, but also to their transportation through pipelines and marine large vessels. It is also necessary to include here the independence of business entities; uniformity, comparability of oil and oil products; availability of access to objective information about the market.

International Forum of Creative Youth “Cultural Diplomacy in the XXI Century: New Challenges, New Solutions”

#4. Window of Opportunities
International Forum of Creative Youth “Cultural Diplomacy in the XXI Century: New Challenges, New Solutions”

Results of the International Forum of creative youth “Cultural diplomacy in the XXI century: new challenges, new solutions”, held in April 2016 in the ethnographic park-museum “Ethnomir” in Kaluga region.

Forming a New Model of Monetary Policy while Managing the National Foreign Exchange Reserves of Russia

#3. Immortal Power
Forming a New Model of Monetary Policy while Managing the National Foreign Exchange Reserves of Russia

Research is focused on the problems of forming a qualitatively new model for monitoring, planning and coordination of monetary-financial and commodity policy in management of Russia’s national foreign exchange reserves (including regulation of bimetallic matrixes fluctuation dynamics of gold and silver spreads) with the agreed course of a particular currency, on terms and conditions (zones and so on) of circulation in Russia and the EAEU as a combinatorially expandable space. Identifying overt and latent characteristics of typical or atypical fluctuations of Russian monetary-financial markets dynamics is considered as the basis for preparation and execution of subsequent effective operational stabilization measures by subdivisions of corresponding Russian (in the long term — Eurasian-allied) federal agencies, commercial banks and others. It is expected to expand and deepen network situational analysis space in the financial sector to develop the system protective measures against speculative attacks, as well as against sanctions or other discriminatory actions of foreign structures.

Economy — Politics Hostage

#3. Immortal Power
Economy — Politics Hostage

The next meeting of the Bogomolov club is dedicated to analysis of the economic situation in Russia today and to the prospects for overcoming recession. The Discussion club (until February 2016) was founded by academician O.T. Bogomolov. More than 20 meetings were held under his chairmanship. At the initiative of academician A.G. Aganbegyan and with support of the club members, it was decided to name the club after O.T. Bogomolov and to continue work on the topics, to which the scientist has devoted his scientific life.