Procedural-legal Issues of Elections in the Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.33917/es-1.199.2025.58-65
The article dwells on legal aspects of procedural issues during elections in the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the consequences of violations. Procedure for election to the post of director of a scientific organization should comply with the RF legislation, be justified by the election regulations and not be formal in nature. There are a number of violations that are grounds for recognizing the election results as null and void, contradicting the foundations of law and order, as well as morality. Such election practices in RAS institutes undermine the credibilit y of science in the eyes of society.
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23. Apellyatsionnoe opredelenie Moskovskogo oblastnogo suda ot 19 aprelya 2023 g. po delu N 33-13565/2023; Opredelenie Pervogo kassatsionnogo suda obshchey yurisdiktsii ot 20 sentyabrya 2023 g. N 88-26732/2023 [Appellate ruling of the Moscow Regional Court dated April 19, 2023 in case No. 33-
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24. Apellyatsionnoe opredelenie Sankt-Peterburgskogo gorodskogo suda ot 23 aprelya 2015 g. po delu N 2-8884/2014) [Appellate ruling of the St.Petersburg City Court dated April 23, 2015 in case No. 2-8884/2014)]. Dostup iz SPS “K onsul’tant Plyus”.
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28. Opredelenie Verkhovnogo suda RF ot 11 aprelya 2016 g. N 310-ES16-2198; Postanovlenie Arbitrazhnogo suda Severo-Kavkazskogo okruga ot 26 aprelya 2018 g. po delu N A32-22722/2017; Opredelenie Pervogo kassatsionnogo suda obshchey yurisdiktsii ot 23 avgusta 2023 g. N 88-20722/2023 [Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated April 11, 2016 No. 310-ES16-2198; Ruling of the Arbitration Court of the North Caucasus District dated April 26, 2018 in case No. A32-22722/2017; Ruling of the First Cassation Court of General Jurisdiction dated August 23, 2023 No. 88-20722/2023]. Dostup iz SPS “Konsul’tant Plyus”.