On the Issue of Performance of Obligations by Parties to Special Investment Contracts

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.64-71

Special investment contracts are bilaterally binding agreements that can be amended or terminated at the initiative of either party. Thus, about 10% of special investment contracts concluded with the par ticipation of the Russian Federation under the SPIC 1.0 and SPIC 2.0 models from 2017 to September 2024 were cancelled or terminated. Provisions of more than 25% of concluded special investment contracts were changed at the initiative of the private par ty to the contract, some of them were modified several times. The ar ticle examines the issues of parties’ liability to a special investment contract for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of contractual obligations, analyzes dynamics of changes and terminations of concluded SPICs and assesses such phenomena from the point of view of their impact on achieving the goals of public legal entities.


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