Aspects of Developing and Testing New Financial Technologies for International Payments

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.30-37

The article dwells on the effectiveness of cryptocurrency technologies for international payments. Insufficiency of cryptocurrency resources for solving this problem under sanctions is shown. The author proposes a way to solve the problem by creating an international financial system based on a digital golden gram (abbreviated in English: DiGGram or digram) — a stealth cryptocurrency with an anonymous group stable and a zero-knowledge algorithm. It will be impossible for unfriendly states to track transactions of such currency. Emission of digram will not require mining or electricity consumption. Taxation of foreign trade transactions with digram should be carried out in the same way as taxation of transactions with other currencies. The article proposes an original information technology for the forced unlocking of blocked Eurodollar financial assets and converting them into resources to support the emission of a gold gram for forming financial assets of countries participating in the financial system based on a digital gold gram. The proposed measures will make it possible to unite up to 30 countries subject to sanctions into a new international financial system and create financial resources in the amount of up to 0 billion, of which up to 0 billion can be used to service international payments of the Russian Federation.


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