The Country Needs a Tax on Superprofits
Academician Robert Isganderovich Nigmatulin is one of the most authoritative oceanologists in the world. For 20 years, he headed the largest in the Russian Federation P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, and now is his supervisor. Winner of the State Prize and a number of other prestigious awards, he does not consider himself a desk scientist, although many scientific problems have to be solved in laboratories. However, for an oceanogist, the most important thing is the expedition, the study of oceans and seas, which cause all climatic changes, and therefore influence conditions of life on the planet. Academician R.I. Nigmatulina has got a strategic mindset. He knows how to bring Russian science to a decent level, how to solve the problem of underfunding, and is persistent in achieving the main goal – to reach those who, having taken the government decisions, are capable to change the situation for the better. Then his beloved country, which he did not leave, although there were a lot of opportunities, would become truly rich, successful and prosperous.