Sendero Luminoso as an Evolutionary Technological Trend

#8. New Year’s Forces
Sendero Luminoso as an Evolutionary Technological Trend

The authors of the present article dwell on the main topics and forecasts of the telecommunications industry development that were dominant in 2017 in the world, as well as the situation on the Russian telecommunications market, and draw a conclusion that the situation on the telecommunications market is somewhat similar to the situation on the fronts of the First World war in 1917.


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  11. M.Video, Sberbank Faktoring i Al‘fa-Bank sozdali pervyy v Rossii kommercheskiy blokcheyn-konsortsium [M.Video, Sberbank Factoring and Alfa-Bank have Created the First Commercial Blockchain Consortium in Russia]. Sayt Al‘fa-banka, 2017, October, 13, available at:
  12. V Rossii sozdaetsya gosudarstvennaya blokcheyn-platforma dlya obmena znaniyami [In Russia, the State Blockchain Platform for Knowledge Sharing is Being Created]. IKS Media, 2017, October, 9, available at:
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  14. Medkarty rossiyan perevedut na blokcheyn [Russians’ Medical Cards will be Transferred into Blockchain]. IKS Media, 2017, September, 20, available at:
  15. Al’fa-bank i S7 Airlines zapustili prodazhu biletov cherez blokcheyn [Alfa-Bank and S7 Airlines Launched the Tickets Sale Through the Blockchain]., 2017, July, 27, available at:
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  19. “Bol’shaya chetverka” operatorov otmenit rouming do 15 dekabrya [“Big Four” Operators will Cancel Roaming Until December 15]. Delovoy Peterburg. URL:
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